in trevonjb •  8 years ago 

Last year I made a bitcoin prediction and I've been sticking with it for this entire time. My timing is a little off but I'm still on target as far as price. In todays video I talk about that price and what I think will happen when it get to that price.


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Bitcoin will go to 5k soon hopefully. Many stock prediction websites are going bitcoin frenzy predictions and me personally I think it will go 10k even next year. But, many new cryptos are incoming as well as EOS and ETH is already doing great job, so everything is possible.

i just noticed that only same people get voted and not the ones few who first posted ... damn ...are you guys from same club? ))

Got an upvote from me @mylifetime :)

I don't know what this is but I can't complain, lol.

Use your Steem and power up. To steam power. You can pay from your steem and also promote your post. How big is your network?

I wouldn't say "soon" but it will reach 5k this year

It's breaking resistances into pieces. Many will pull out BTCs from sell and buy, we can expect it to go 1000$ in a day.

Enjoyable 11 mins listening.
I think the strategy is to keep stacking and HODL.

I totally agree with your speculation on bitcoin price...it can reach to $5000 by august hopefully...

Go head bitch GO lol 😂😂😂 you wild but yea you are right a lot of people don't know. I watch Admin as well .. it's at 2,800 I believe there is another pull back is coming now. But it will go back up but i hope it's not regulations...if not I'm ready for $5,000 bitcoin ..then. Bcc will definitely be at $150

I hope you all pay attention lol I know what I be talking about 💯😎 $2,760 now


Yea my first account was flagged by pfunk for posting bcc, my second account i spelt my name wrong smh lol then i finally got it right 💯

Thats bad...

Trust me, you don't know the felling of powering up then not being able to post ANY PICTURES WHATSOEVER and not being able to have your post shown that only have text just because 1 person doesn't like bitconnect... then creating a new account only to find out you aren't receiving your deposits due to your name being incorrect smh yea you wouldn't know

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

You did a great job thanks for tacking time for us and teaching every day i'm geratfull from your work. I learn something new from you every day.

"Not really a hard for but kind of a split" hahahaha
Gotta be in the UASF supported wallet. Good info man. I'm still trying to figure out what the heck I'm going to do leading up to the date. None of us want to get "f*cked" haha

I agree with your analysis. There will be fear leading up to August 1. Let us get beyond this point though, and then hopefully things will calm down a bit. 5,000 !! :)

This is the age and time of cryptocurrencies and we are just seeing the begenning. The future is still bright and its not late to join the amazing trend which Steem is and will always be among the best. Now is for Bitcoin and Etherium and tomorrow will be for Steem and other altcoins...so we are in a good place with steem...so power up guy...thanks for sharing @trevonjb

Intersting. We're really entering a phase where no one know's where the hell it's going in terms of up because the world has never experienced this kind of asset, global, digital, almost instant. Everyone can buy in if you have an internet connection.

I was thinking it would hit $3k by August back in March and we're pretty much there now, so I'm thinking it's gonna be closer to your projection of $5k now. Especially now the hedgeufnds and big money are taking interest. Who knows though. Just enjoy the ride cause most all of us have been in early enough that even if there is a big drop, we still made $$.

Y'all see Jim Cramer said BTC will got to 1 million? Hope old, mad money Jimmy is right.

I think that your upvote is already giving a dollar value, is that correct?

Question is how much notice will we get before the inevitable dump which i think will be very harsh to match the run up.

You are saying that funniest comment each day will get free coins, do you count also steemit comments? You should say about it in your videos

I think it is time to sell what we have in bitcoin because this bubble will rich a point and blow up suddenly.

I tend to disagree, but only time will tell. You may be spot on and if so, I hope you got in early and made some money!

Yep nobody knows my friend i made some money but be careful

I love your youtube bruh. I bet a lot of people said that to you. (Man I sure do love being basic)

today I also made a post that bitcoin will touch 10000$ mark soon as the news came from cointelegraph.

$5000 would be great. My plan was to sell all bitcoin for Ethereum and when Bitcoins price is dropping I will start buying.

Maybe Steemit would be a better investment.

I would buy a bunch of ETH since it is affordable. Then scrape off profits into bitcoin long enough to convert bitcoin to USD or go through a BTC friendly seller to buy real wealth (gold and silver-like 1/20 ounce francs!). See my earlier post about today's Andy Hoffman interview :)

Oh my goodness. I had the same exact plan as you!

This is a little existing, that I"m not the only one who wants to invest on a lot of sites, etc.

Opps! I commented on the wrong comment.

Oh my goodness. I had the same exact plan as you!

This is a little existing, that I"m not the only one who wants to invest on a lot of sites, etc.

bitcoin will surely go to 5k by the end of summer, mark my words!

Yeah, it's better to stick with what you know than to keep making risks. But risks are nice now and again. Thanks for sharing!

Risk is healthy if your heart and mind can take it. Never risk more than you care to lose. Take emotion out of money. Understand it as much as you can. Most of all, trust in God and have fun!

Yay it's time for some intangible coin talk from Trevon! Your videos keep me entertained and up to date on all things crypto so thank you man.

BTC is definitely gonna hit $5000 by the end of this summer and this time, the other alt coins are also blowing up fast too. This is our time now - let's get it!

Let's say you are right, how would this affect Steem's price? Personally I don't think it would be so much of an effect.

remember the dash cam tomorrow!!!

Already watched your video on YouTube. Great work as always :)

Love the intangible coin talk and the whole intro you got worked out, great style :)!!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

how big do you think the market cap of all crypto will be before the end of 2017 ??

""One hundred BILLION dollars"". Lol

damn I just hope im ready to catch that dip! Ima go in! check out these memes I made for the meme contest! what you think?! https://steemit.com/whaleshares/@jphenderson/meme-contest-submit-your-meme-for-a-chance-to-win-some-whaleshares

I like what you're speaking!

Lots of interesting info, thanks man, today it was nice

scary times (maybe).

very good

bitcoin and ether ear the safest plays right now and will continue to go up! i move all my profits there and havent lost yet!

bitcoin to hit 10000$ till the end of this year

Easily, but it all depends (thanks for that opinion on everything dear useless MBA!). If the dollar poo poos more than we all think, maybe 5,000,000 just like Zimbabwe. Hey, it could happen. Though if the USD goes that sour, in more akin to being in a TEOTWAWKI scenario.

just started my genesis adventure using your code. heres mine if you want to use it JcHGTg

Up and down like a yoyo, gotta love it.


Thank you for another great article!

what you think bitcoin price in 2018??

I'm new here on Steenit and crypto. I still got a lot to learn any suggestion on what wallet to use? Just a fan love your videos. Bought more steem today. Thanks From Shaun

Coinbase because it is widely used by newbies and over 40,000 vendors. So you have lower fees per transaction. And if you send to a fellow coinbaser it is free. Just a nugget. I have several wallets, from several platforms because I just wanted to try them out and learn/know as much as possible. Should serve well in the future.

nice video great work!!

Iceland is going to be dope!

im hoping too to see 5k before august 1st also cant wait

Wouldn't be surprised if btc reaches $4000 by end of the month.


Bitcoin will touch 4000USD before December any doubt?

Bitcoin won't cross 5k this year

Thanks for another good video!

I think you are rigt. but i dare to put a little higher price on it based on market info.
I think bitcoin will go up to around 13500 in Januari. we will have a dip from 5000 as you are saying and after that go to round 8000, drop back a little and then up to 13000.
