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Bitcoin connect is a scam, do not buy the tokens or participate in it in anyway. the trading bot is a lie. It will collapse soon and if you are stuck in the three month contract when it happens you will lose all your money.

I really hope I can win of these BCC usd loans one of these days. I hope you feel better and get well soon.

Good luck everyone !

This post received a 1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @spacehd! For more information, click here!

cool.... my use randowhale again soon

Haha make it rain money Mr nice President!

Hahaaa it's Amazing GIF!

Wsup Trevon, I'm a Herbalist and I would recommend that you mix 1 tbsp of raw honey and 1 tsp of cinnamon powder to make an all natural antibiotic that will help your throat, cough and cold. I'm saving up to open an Ayurvedic Herbal Clinic so I can help people with real illnesses with real medicine, not that pharmaceutical crap doctors push on innocent people, and that $1010 loan of Bitconnect would go a long way with compound interest to help my dream come true, Get well soon!!! @rishherbalist
PS: Thanks for dropping all this crypto knowledge!!! If you any type of natural health questions or concerns, I'd be glad to help a person who helps so many others, madd respect homie.

"not that pharmaceutical crap doctors push on innocent people" sorry but that is just willful ignorance. Yes pharmaceutical companies like to pump the price of drugs or push addictive drugs to consumers but to say it isn't real medicine? please.
Doctors spend thousands of dollars and years of time studying to get their degrees, they're not just legitimized drug dealers pushing opiods on the masses.
Yes there are certain alternatives in some cases where herbal medicine and holistic remedies can accomplish something but that doesn't negate the efficiency of actual pharmaceuticals.
Do you consider vaccinations to be "pharmaceutical crap" even though they have wiped out many horrible diseases? or are you one of the ones that believes vaccines cause autism?
What about the drugs prescribed when someone has an organ transplant that prevents the body rejecting the organ? is that just "pharmaceutical crap"...
On the other hand maybe you're right, maybe when someone gets shot they should have a nice glass of herbal tea and get a`massage instead of being dosed with morphine.

I will happily agree that certain ailments/diseases can be assisted by herbal remedy's or holistic treatments but that they should never be the only course of action. eg someone with chronic back pain may find relief in smoking marijuana, taking a natural muscle relaxant, specific exercises or even massage.
But to call real evidence backed medicine and the people who prescribe it "crap" is deluded.

I've tried all these crappy home remedy's like honey and cinnamon for the throat and let me tell you it took alot longer than real medicine to help ( albeit that is an anecdotal observation and not definitive proof).

I wish you luck in your endeavors and hope your herbal clinic is successful but please don't try and detract from science based medicines, without them we're all screwed.

I have to disagree with your stance and approach, to some degree, bigdizzle91. Your reply appears to be very angry and fuelled with emotions and it's always better to act, than to react. I do understand your perspective and how you might feel about the topic, given the source of your information.

I do not wish to attack you or your comments, but would like to point out that if you were to actually do the competent research, from an unbiased standpoint, you may be extremely surprised by what you might find.

The Ayurvedic diet is excellent, as it is based on healing. I feel that mainstream medicine neglects to heal people, but instead treats ailments, illnesses and conditions, with pharmaceutical drugs, which in many cases, only worsen the condition, or lure the patient into dependancy upon a chemical substance that will cause major damage to the body, should one want to stop taking it.

Anyway, I will leave it there and hopefully you will be able to discuss this in more detail and I can elucidate on the points I have raised and more. Diet and lifestyle will always be preferable to the body, when it comes to healing and not treatment.

All the best.

apologies if my comment came across as angry or agressive that was not my intention, i do need to work on my communication skills when its text based form as its sometimes difficult to purvey what im trying to say and gets misconstrued.
I wont claim to know alot about medicine or Ayurvedic diets etc but from my perspective it cannot and will not replace genuine medicine.
I agree diet and lifestyle are very important factors to our health and we need to stop consuming processed meats and foods filled with chemicals but i dont think you can call that healing or real medicine thats simply advice that any dietician or medicl professional will also give. Unfortunately our society has become dependant on foods like this and as such cause diseases that require pharmaceuticals to fix.
Dietary education and balanced intake are very important for our health and we should be taking preventative measures to getting sick rather than waiting to treat an illness once its formed but i dont like the term "pharmaceutical crap" as it detracts from the good real medicine does.

Ayurveda is the world first and most precise medical system. It attacks the diseases at the root source of the problem, not just treats the symptoms as modern medicine does. This system focuses more on disease prevention, as eating the right type of foods for your specific body type so your food can be your medicine and external chemicals are not needed as they ALL have negative side effects. Corrective Ayurveda herbs are also used to bring balance back to a depleted body.

Doctors spend a ridiculous amount of money to get educated in a corrupt system where big pharma makes the rules. Your doctors are not allowed to tell you a natural remedy due to law, and can only prescribe a chemical based drug to heal you, don't you see a problem with that when ALL of your so called "real medicine" has a negative side effect???

I feel bad for doctors as most of them had the intentions of doing good and helping people but after digging a severe financial debt due to their education.
Signal the jackals from Big Pharma come in and bully some doctors into pushing unnecessary drugs on innocent patients.
All of your science based medicine and their studies are funded these big companies in a bias matter where their only benefit is profit.

You mention vaccinations, do you know how toxic Mercury is? Do you know how many other toxic chemicals are in Vaccinations?
Vaccinations actually suppress our body's immune system, this is the same conclusion with all the other chemical drugs. With your immune system is a weak state your body now become reliant on the chemical drugs as its natural defence system has been damaged.

When it is a life or death matter, don't think some magic herbs are gonna save your ass then, no sir, go to the damn Hospital ER. but when your have time and are in a healthy state and you study Ayurveda, its like an owners manual for your human body, specific to you telling you what type of foods are good for you and which ones to stay away from, when is the best time to eat, how to eat, how much to eat...... a lot of it is staying balanced and how to eat and digest properly. Proper digestion is the most underrated aspect of health that we neglect the most, as 99% of all disease starts from bad digestion.

Modern medicine does not treat symptoms as symptoms are subjective to the patient but rather medicine is designed to treat the signs of disease. and as i stated above to gwb235 i do not wish to come across aggrssive or emotional about this, that isnt my intention.
also like i said to gwb235 i believe education on our diet and what we put into our bodies is key but just because something is the "first" does not make it the best.
Big pharma i agree do not care about people and i know the medical system in the U.S is extremely flawed, but here in Australia big pharma have alot less influence over these sorts of things. Of course they still try and peddle their drugs to doctors and patients but i believe we have a very good medical system here and to ignore that for herbal treatments and remedies seems ignorant to me.
I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with a type of lymphoma and required bone marrow transplants blood infusions and a large selection of pharmaceuticals but hes now in full remission and recovering well. Sure an Ayurvedic diet may of helped him before the onset of the disease but i doubt it would of helped him once it was there.

As for vaccinations like you say yes they contain mercury, but if youre going to attack vaccinations in that way please cite peer reviewed studies and reference where your information has been observed scientifically.
Im very open minded but without proof it is simply an opinion and so far the only medical professional to put forth anything against vaccines has been proven time and time again to be completely fabricated. Argue against vaccines all you want but the removal of diseases like polio in modern society due to vaccines speaks for itself, along with the thousands and thousands of case studies that back it up.
As i said i believe that holistic and herbal remedies and prevention have a part in society but they cannot and will not replace actual medicine when it comes to treating disease that has already formed.
Again i wish you luck in your endeavor and sincerely hope you achieve success and can genuinely help people but rather than putting down science based medicines let your results speak for themselves.


@nesian101 both Steemit and Bitconnect. I've posted about Bitconnect and my progress with it but haven't posted my refferal link as yet. I will once I receive 100% of my initial investment back. This will create a bit more integrity for anyone sitting on the fence and following my progress. Feel free to check my blog history on Steemit, its not big but its relatable for others!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey Trevon it would be awesome if I can win that $1010 bitconnect loan, it will go a very long way in helping myself and many others. I want to be able to help as many people here on steemit and in my country by re-investing some profit back into bitconnect and in steem power. I just launched a small steemit community in my country to encourage people to get on steemit and I'm sharing sbd profits with all members, international steemians are also welcomed. Check out my latest post for an idea of what I'm attempting to do and why winning this will help so many other people. I am also literally starting over my life from scratch, since moving out with nothing from a complicated living situation. It will be a real blessing if I win something like this. I already joined using your referral link since bitconnect coins were about $12 but I never made up the initial $100 btc to give it a shot. I do work, and have a little cash but in my country coin base do not work , there's no btc atm, no local bitcoins etc. I eventually gave up trying to find ways to buy bitcoin in my country and just continued trying stuff to get free bitcoins online but I just haven't accumulated enough to start a bitconnect loan as yet. If I win you will be the executive sponsor of our entire project, I will definitely continue to reinvest in bitconnect and steem power, I will place your genesis mining banners and other advertisements in our application (PMLNETWORK) which is available on google play store. Please check out our latest post and consider doing us a big favor by choosing us and automatically become our sponsor so we can all get a needed boost, and all benefit from your generosity. Thank you for your consideration. tip! post

I am hoping that you can earn more and do this giveway more often,LOL

Did you say win? All I do is WIN WIN WIN, no matter what....

Can you tech me how you do that @superdavey? ;)

@trevonjb, This is a very generous and amazing initiative from you.

I would like to have it to start standing on my 2 feet in my business as a life coach.

You may wonder why bother giving me the loan to make my own business?
My argument is that this business I want to start is my life calling to help/encourage as many people as I can to realize their dreams and discover their potentials.

Why I want to do that?
Because of the fact that I had a very hard life (growing up) that left me with scars, depression and low self-esteem.

However, throughout my journey in life I met few people at different times that made a huge difference in the outcome of my future, just by virtue of encouraging me to persevere and not give up. Their support enabled me to leave my limiting country/society, travel to a new country and make the best out of my brain through education. I finished a PhD and now I am studying as a post-doctoral trainee

But at the beginning of this year, I felt that all this education so far was not enough to fulfill my desire to help other people overcome their life challenges and succeed in their future. So, I quit (cold turkey) from this post-doc to take courses in life coaching and also to start a writing career.
Of course, since I didn't plan it ahead of time, I am now facing the challenges of living jobless, while working on my certificate and strategies to make my business work.

Is your 1010 going to change my life or save me from hunger? you may ask
Maybe not, but it will give me the encouragement I need that I am doing the right thing and that i shouldn't give up on what I want to achieve for the sake of having money and a stable job (which many people are telling is the smart thing to do)

I would appreciate it very much if you would visit my blog and give me your advice if you prefer not to give me the loan. I am starting to write about my life story. You can check it in Part 1 and Part 2. More parts are coming in the future.

I hope you feel better soon :)

Trevon, I have goals. My goal is to be an investor. My focus is to build my Crypto Networth. I diversify my strategies in in this sector. One of my strategies is Bitconnect, this is my passive strategy, while I have an active strategy trading on exchanges, my other strategy is working hard on steemit. I will take that $1010 and reinvest in in bitconnect. You win and I win because you are my sponsor. And I will upvote everybody while I'm here with whatever steempower because I've been upvoting like crazy....

You are also the first to learn my new slogan, so here it is : "I don't want anything to do with it, UNLESS its backed by a tokenized blockchain."

I need this loan..before steem moons..hopefully i could get married next year! lol. You da man.

nice video

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for having this contest. I think I would love to be able to help myself and son more financially as I am home with him. I am just getting into cryptocurrency and studying it and I love Steemit so far as well!

Id like to use this loan to fix up my car. Wheel bearing s going out and i want to fix the dent that is on my drivers side. Keep doing what youre doing trevon. Its nice to see someone help others. Keep on growing!

Love all the videos man. Let me give you three reasons why you should give me that loan:1. I have been watching bitcoin rise ever since I found out about crypto currency without having any money to invest. It was $1200 I think now its over $4000. 2. I invested all my money into a business that hasn't turned a profit in six months and now I regret not knowing about coins before I did that, and 3. I live in Jamaica where we don't earn US Dollars and 1 US Dollar is $128 Jamaican, so an investment like that in Bitconnect would help me out a lot. I am like a Kid at the Candy store, except I am standing on the outside watching all the other kids who can afford it, get candies. Help a Jamaican out Please!!!!

Let me tell you 3 reasons why you should not give me the loan.
I don't always watch your videos on youtube.
Second reason why you should not give me the loan. I am only on steemit. I don't use bitcoin.
3rd reason why you shouldn't give me the money. Because, I'm awesome! :D
Trevon James you are just super cool, but the videos I do watch are very helpful, I really don't want that giveaway as you can see XD but yeah thanks for just helping me out man! I hope the best for you!

can you come to my article page and upvote my articles and i will do the same
and please follow me :)

I folllowed you
u said
in your youtube video

#upvoteforupvote #trevonjb

Not to be begging for a handout and I truly believe in Crypto currency. I follow you on IG and I see how well Bitcoin has been to you. Im inspired my g. I already signed up for bitconnect but unfortunately with 6 kids and a wife I don't have the start up capital to jump on. Bro if you choose me or not I'm inspired how your giving back and proving it works for others! Stay blessed g keep a big heart and raise that baby as the royalty they should be!

Hi @trevonjb! @pml2020 is sending you 0.1 SBD tip and @tipU upvote :)

Check out the newest post from @pml2020: Steemit Promo-T&T Team.. Brand New Sbd Profit Sharing Community.. Join Now!!! and follow if you like the content :)

send tips with @tipU | earn interest in @tipU profit

See thats the grind I talk about! Sick or not we still grind 100

I hear a lot of BitConnect, Some people are good with BitConnect and some people say it's a Scam. What do you guys thing about this?

This seems pretty nice, definitely participating mate! :)


You are one of my inspirations here in the cryptoworld. I wish I invested in Bitconnect when it was still at $11. I will really appreciate if I will be chosen to receive this giveaway.

On the day that you will decide who's gonna win, please don't forget my name, JeanGrey. :D

@trevorjb how does this work Trevor? Can you send me some information on Bitconnect thats easy to understand? Me and a few friends are interested in getting involved and learning. Can you help? #trevorjb

oh wao sir you are really lucky man

Very good post @trevonjb. . Thankyou for sharing 👏👏👏

Hey trevon you giving away coins, I'd be happy to accept.

thanks for the information.

upvot me

Hope you're doing well now. I just need a gift of $6,000.

hope to get this..

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i was thinking if you continue to give away .10 BTC a day. with the ups and downs of the market. that could be 150k given away in a year. So you gotta be making a lot. to do that thanks for the inspiration

hey man, digging your videos, keep it up. New to the game but I tossed up a $100 loan on BTC last week and another this week. It would be rad if you picked me for the 1,010 loan. My goal is to get 5 of those going in the next year or so. I work as a missionary of sorts in the innercity working with the homeless and helping people getting clean from hard drugs and trying to kick street life. we raise our own income and I'm trying to work the Crypto space to make that go as far as possible and open opportunities for others.

Hey Trevon, sorry to hear you are sick, hope you're feeling a bit better now.

I'd like the $1010 Bitconnect loan for any one of the following reasons:

  1. My wife doesn't give me enough pocket money every week to buy something for myself.
  2. My kids eat me out of house and home leaving me with nothing but some sticks in the backyard to play with.
  3. The Aussie Government taxes my income like buggery coz they're greedy bastards.
  4. I live in South Australia, the state with the HIGHEST ELECTRICITY COST IN THE WORLD!. Yes ,i'm not making that up, we pay the highest rates not just in Australia but the world!
  5. Following on from point 4 above, I cant use my PC to mine coins anymore because it costs more to mine than to just go an buy.
  6. I think you're pretty cool.
  7. If you ever come to Australia, I will personally pick you up from the airport and show you around Adelaide.
  8. Then you would be invited to come to my place for dinner. I do a pretty good lasagna actually...I'm an Italian so the recipe has been handed down from my nonna's nonna to my mum and to me.
  9. I'd use some of the money to invest in ICOs that don't sound like absolute not many really!
  10. That's all I got sorry.

Thanks again, keep posting and vlogging and doing what you do.

I'm following you on Twitter, FB, Steemit and YouTube Tre! I also got into freebit for a while as well thanks to you, I used your referral and I just go back now and collect my hourly freebit and get a couple of lottery tickets. I'm up voting you on Steem and retweeting your good Crypto talk as I KNOW people are scared about Bitcoin and BitConnect but if they keep hearing your DAILY vids I think it will help them come around to changing their beliefs man. I'm a fan of the daily updates, keep up the good work! Peace! (I'm paullifefit on Steem and LOA Junkie on YOUTUBE :)

Lol sick for 24 hours that actually amazing.

Any Trevon, any update with the $1010 loan?

Got on Steemit after watching your Youtube video, trying the commenting way

what is the name of that person
