What Does Anarchy Mean To You? - The @tribesteemup Community Question

in tribesteemup •  7 years ago  (edited)

Greetings Steem Stars

The current question in the @tribesteemup community, posed by @trucklife-family is:

"What Does Anarchy Mean To You?"

So I gave my answer in today's VLOG.

Sam x


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I love this Sam, I must say you really got the stereotype down in the beginning, just look at your face proper anger there. Don't want to say too much as I have to do my post but will say Well done! x

Thanks Aishlinn. I couldn't find a balaclava unfortunately. Sadly, I think a lot of people actually do identify with that stereotype as it feels like anger is the only viable response to them.

Looking forward to your post :)

but who would protect us from all the freedom hating countries that are hording our oil?

You have a good point. I revoke my position. The system we have in place now is the best it can ever be.

I LOVE the political discussions that STEEM is bringing forward in the world - thank you for contributing to that. :)

Thanks so much, @eftnow! I loved that video :-) I loved it so much even that I decided to give my view about anarchy in my latest post. I hope you don't mind, and I do refer to your post here.

In short: I agree with all goals regarding the freedom of people, but I just don't see true freedom coming about in a society where individual property needs to be protected by contracts or where the same contracts are used to register mutual consent. We don't need the contracts even in my view, only for that we need to give up on the notion that we can own anything. With ownership, freedom is lost, that's how I see it and that's what history shows us time and time again. I know, it's "out there", but it's what I truly believe :-)

Nonetheless, I love the way you explain your views in the video; they at least show that we truly need to be free of the coercion of the ruling class.

Thank you for a great and inspiring post!

Thank you for your response. I've replied on your post, which I enjoyed as well.

The question is subjective — ie. what is means to you, and I do appreciate your answer here; however I disagree on some points. I agree that anarchist societies can voluntarily adopt constitution. But I don't think it's compulsory. Nor is society compulsory.

The term you were looking for is "within anarchy" instead of "under anarchy." :)

I also feel you've mixed up some qualities of voluntarism with anarchism.

I do agree about the premise that we are ready, or most of us are, to step into consensual way of life.

I agree that there's only a teeny percentage of truly and only destructive and corrupted.

You know what though, I believe that even those are most often "troubled" and the percentage is even 1% of that 1%. The majority of even the worst troubled people can be supported. For example, there are great strides being made with dialectic behavior therapy to support people with dark triad personality traits. It's being found that only a small percentage of those who have dark triad behavior, are truly dark triad personalities.

I agree the answers need not be answered all at once as well.

The unchanging strict order, ultimate authority (even an immutable constitution), control, and other restrictions and confinements inhibit the natural answers to be widely understood by most. For instance, if so many people — maybe generations into anarchy — we're no longer so resentful inside, would it increase our natural empathy for one another: in way of building, healing, etc.? I foresee it would.

If the world were entirely lacking all forms of strict demonization and idolization, would a generation of people who have not been dehumanized by their loved ones become well esteemed, and consequently less witholding? I think so.

I also agree that Steem is a step in a direction toward opening people's minds to considering anarchy; although it's not really representative, as there's not yet a truly decentralized interface that I'm aware of. But it's a thought experiment in practice and very interesting to say the least.

@zyx066 brought up this video so I watched it and responded here and there. :)

Forgive my rocking this boat but I feel also as one who is a centrist anarchistic person, that I appreciate all the colors of anarchy; cannot fully agree to it being pinned down by voluntarism (although I like voluntarism, libertarianism, constitutionalism, etc.) .... I feel if it were to be that all rulers stepped down from position, there would be those of us who didn't form communities, those who would, those would be very conservative and some liberal, and so on... some would be isolationist and homesteading off land, and some would be running in the streets drinking beers being drunk and disorderly. LOL

Hi @omitaylor. Thanks for this thoughtful reply. So much good information in here and I agree with a lot of what you said. Although I haven't given this as much thought as you have so far, I agree that there is room for many ideologies, so long as they don't involve forcing your will upon others.

I also like your point about the dark personality types. I agree that very few of these personality traits are set in stone. They tend to be behaviour patterns as a response to specific life themes or events, even if they have been passed on epigenetically. Therefore in most cases, there can be a shift.

Ta Sam :)

Beautifully done Sam. Regardless of any fine detail, I feel this is in the true spirit of what Anarchy means to most people, and the spirit of the subject is what's most important. Well done, friend.

Thanks Logan. I agree, the spirit is very important here. I think what many of us have is clarity over what we want to move away from and what we are moving towards will unfold as the story continues :)

Greatly put to words. Since I was a kid I was under mind control (until I turned 20; I'm 23 now) that's when something clicked and I started asking questions. Since then I kept exploring how deep the rabbit hole is.

I had the exact same idea about anarchy how you said it at the begining of the video before I found out what it actually is. I have always wondered about where could I have gotten the idea from and came to a conclusion that it's most likely from movies/TV series or something. Can't put my finger on it tbh.

Anyway, great video and something that should be talked about much more. Resteemed for exposure.

Thanks very much - glad you liked it. Yes, the mind control is very strong in relation to this subject. Funnily enough, my friends daughter came round earlier and saw that I'd done a post on anarchy. She told me that anarchy was a bad thing and she had just been taught about it at school today!

She was quite surprised when I suggested that just about every adult she knows is probably an anarchist.

Not only on this subject, it's strong in all aspects of our lives. What shocked me the most is how wide spread it is. That was my biggest cognitive dissonence when it came to chemtrails, when I didn't know/want to believe I was like: "why the heck would they spend that much money to chembomb us here in Croatia" we are literally a grain of sand on the world map, not important to anyone.

As for schools and your friends daughter I see the same things happening to my little sister in the government indoctrination camp they like to call school she has to go 5 days a week.

What are your thoughts on Mandela effect? I could swear they taught us very early in school that he died in prison in the 90's but my gf who went to the same class as me says I'm crazy and that they never told us that.

My opinion is that they got a way to implement false memories and are testing the technology for future use.

BTW this conversation is why I love Steemit; so many like-minded, non-sheep, awake, people here. Nice meeting you :)


i love this

It's a fish sandwich on rye with hot chocolate and marshmallows on top.. it's a hot day with a cold beer in your hand and the top won't pop..
it's 350 soccer moms turnt all the way up on a Thursday night planning to attack black Friday at the break of daylight..