What would you do for society if you had all the resources you needed?

in tribesteemup •  6 years ago 

A tribe steem up biweekly question.

This question is going to be an easy one, for me, I've been plotting this for decades.

If I could speak to every ear on the planet I would remind them that nobody likes a bully.
Rule by force is not a necessary evil.
We can each be masters of our own destinies without men in suits telling us what to do.

That the authoritarians think they can prevail over the rest of us is our own fault for not nipping them in the bud.

What would I do for society?
End rule by force.

But that is just the first thing.

Next I would end wage slavery.
It's really easily done.

On some future Tuesday we simply keep doing the work that keeps consumerism afloat, but instead of charging wages and getting shafted by the banksters, and crapitalusts, on the exchange, we just order whatever we need from the internet to be delivered to our door.

The current crop of workers do all the work needed to keep consumerism afloat.
Why they agree to do it for a fraction of the true value of their labor is just crazy, to me.


Rather than produce into a black hole of crapitalism's profits we simply blockchain production to eliminate waste, and eliminate billionaires and poverty on one fell swoop.
Instead of letting all the money go to the few we spread the products to the many.

Any increase in efficiency translates into less work for the workers rather than bigger jewels for the lady crapitalusts.

As things currently are, robots will never replace workers on any large scale without a mass die off.
Starving workers will storm the gated communities.

That is what I will be doing once I get this magic wand waving right.
Proclaim FBA Rey del Mundo

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We'd do what we do now....waste them.

Woohoo, cocaine and wild women!!

I'm curious how you would translate, "all the resources you need" into this? What resources would this require to implement? Maybe we already have them?

We do already have them, we only need to convince the workers that it is better to manage things on a blockchain than in a bank ledger.

Workers only have to keep doing the work while refusing to pay for goods.
As long as the work gets done the shelves stay full.

I imagine a gift economy. Universal basic income. Everyone does their part. Ubuntu. It can happen~~~

On any given tuesday,...

I'd make sure that the kids learn about the side effects of coercion in elementary schools .

Yep, cant teach them too young.
Violence is not a good coping skill.