Tribesteemup QOTW- Can We Unite The World? Let's ALL Be Cucumbers

in tribesteemup •  6 years ago  (edited)

Tribesteemup QOTW- Can We Unite The World?

I have been struggling with this question for over a week now... as much as my gut wants to say YES..., my heart is saying No.


Image Source- Pixabay

When I first read this question, my thoughts went to all the Miss America and Miss Universe contests from days gone by and how the contestants answer to "what do you want in the world" or however the question was phrased, and all the women would say... "world peace".

There will never be a global or international way of having world peace.

People, cultures, religious beliefs and so much more are too divided. Not enough people can listen to another's views. Not enough people can respect another person's way of life or religion. Not enough people can stop for two seconds and consider another's feelings or opinions.

If people can't, or won't, take the time to listen, comprehend or have more of an open mind.. how can unification even begin.

It's like gardening and companion planting... some plants are just not meant to be next to one another. To explain this more.. check out my DTube video.... LET'S ALL BE CUCUMBERS!!

▶️ DTube


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Ha! Well... Cucumbers RULE anyway, as I recently made mention to @papa-pepper :)

EXACTLY!!! Cucumbers are the way to be

Loved it, perfect analogy.

I'm gonna have to think on which plant I am. Lol
Loved the video

I think we may all strive to be the cucumber, but sometimes a little "bean" or "pepper" comes out in us

So true. Lol

I get the analogy, but relating it to the world we live in is a tricky question... Personally i treat people the way they treat me and i avoid toxicity and toxic people....I would like to think i am a cucumber, but i can have a little pepper in me.
Great effort.

I would like to think i am a cucumber, but i can have a little pepper in me.

A little spicy pepper to your personality? Yeah I think we can all have that HOT pepper hidden somewhere, some days.

Perfect analogy and the way you explained it, verbal and non-verbal, are really easy to understand. To obtain world peace, one must have peace in his heart. But, I must say, it's quite shady and impossible to achieve since not all of us knows understanding and respect. And not all of us have peace in their heart.

Thank you! After contemplating an answer all week... all I could think about (while gardening) was how certain plants cannot be next to one another or live in harmony when too close to one another.. so I rolled with it.

Love it! @goldendawne

I thought... "is this a cheesy analogy?" but I think more people could, and did, relate to my thinking here.

I think it is a beautiful way of explaining the topic especially for a fellow gardener :)

Hahaha I liked this a lot. Similar musing to what I answered, although I mentioned green beans not cucumbers.

Glad DTube worked again this time. I was able to watch it.

lol- yeah... beans, cukes and peppers.. the analogy of my thoughts. It worked for me for some reason.


Unity is by the spirit of God and not by nature or soul. Hence, we do not have it when we think by soul and not by a graceful heart. Only a heart established with the Grace of God can think of unity and see unity within and outside. Nature is destructive and God's Grace is constructive.

God is not natural or supernatural, He is truly spiritual. People generally boast about spirituality without even knowing anything about it. However, Grace of God generates awareness, the true one within us, so that we may remain united within our heart. Unity within is Unity outside. I have seen many plants that embed themselves into the barks of another trees. Once you are embedded in the Grace of God, you will see nature also in unity. We see what we have within. That's it!

Pure Grace -> Pure Mercy-> Pure Peace
Pure Grace Within ->Pure Mercy Within -> Pure Peace Within
Grace World Within -> Mercy World Within -> Peace World Within
World Within = World Outside

The so called peace-makers of the world are yet to Know the Truth and the Truth is that we cannot have World Peace unless We have First the Grace Within that comes from ABOVE.