Weekend Adventure: Golf Charity Event, Sunflowers Bloomed & A Day Of Rest... Sort Of

in tribesteemup •  6 years ago 

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We had quite the busy weekend... considering most weekends consist of Mr Golden D working, me doing my gardening and steemit thing, this past weekend was two filled with fun, golf and, yes, smile from the garden.

When we left Saturday morning at 6am for the charity golf outing my sunflowers in the herb garden were still closed up. When we got home after 9PM, two of the lovely sunflowers had opened and I couldn't help but smile. They bloomed earlier than last year, but these are a different variety than I had planted in 2017.


NOTE- In case you're wondering about my dividers on this post.. in honor of Mr Golden D and his golf team. They took fourth place in their squad. So they had a celebratory beer, or two, at the end of the event.

Beautiful Scenery

At the charity golf event, I volunteered for the first time and couldn't complain about my surroundings AT ALL! Even though it rained off-and-on most of the morning and afternoon, I thoroughly enjoyed sitting outside (under a canopy and with a poncho). I actually had some time in between golf teams to walk around the golf course and check out the plants, flowers and quiet.




Sunday Morning Garden Walk

Yesterday morning, as Mr Golden D slept in, they were given the day off (first one in over three weeks) and I wasn't going to disturb him. After working 70+ hours for the last few weeks, he needed a day to just sleep.

So I headed out to the garden and began harvesting a few vegetables.

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It may not seem like many vegetables, but it is just the two of us.. so this is all we need. Can't wait to season up the beans, zucchini and pepper and roast them on the grill tonight.

TEASER ALERT Later in the evening, Mr Golden D did help me make a special recipe for tomorrow's @canna-curate post... you'll have to come back to see on the @canna-curate page tomorrow.


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howdy today @goldendawne! what a fun outing and gorgeous scenery, ohmygosh!
love the photos. and when you had time you walked around seeing what type of plants you could find? lol,. that's our Herbalist!

Well, you know me... they had lavender! SO much of it when the rain stopped and the wind was blowing I could smell it... it was heavenly... they had so many gorgeous flowers along the walkway to the clubhouse. I couldn't even begin to name them all. It really was a fun day (and I was dreading it to be honest...) lol

howdy @goldendawne! you mean that you were originally dreading it but then when you got there it was great?
just think how many dumb men golfers are around all those flowers and have no idea what they are?
well, I guess you're going to have to take up golfing!

Lovely sun flower.

That was pretty scenery.

We all need a break from the routine sometimes.

Thanks for sharing.

Yes this was definitely a break in my normal routine... being the homebody that I am.

It is nice to know all those green fees are put to good use...LOL 🌳

lol- yeah!!
The courses were actually closed to the public on Saturday. The company's CEO or president is part owner of the country club from what I heard. We went to the Christmas party there too. Next time we go I'll take more pictures inside- it was gorgeous

I love the views of the golf course. That would be amazing to work at, no wonder you were enjoying it.