Hello beautiful people
Welcome to another wonderful week here on Steemit and yes we got off to a rocky start this week , but what better way to kick start the rest of the week off, than reading some empowering and inspiring posts written by some of the authors from @tribesteemup. Posts that really embody what the Tribe represents.
The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |
The Tribe also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member happily adheres to, these pillars are the foundation for creating a world where we all life thrives and where we all support one another. You will find these 8 Pillars at the end of this post
Today's articles, have been selected because they are all about sharing knowledge and wisdom. They are about taking back responsibility for your health and well being, taking back responsibility for your life. For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live.
We need to be aware of how our actions effect us and those around us, we need to make the necessary changes now , so that we become the people we are meant to be. Now is the time to ask those questions, what am I doing and what could I be doing better. We need to take action now! Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.
The Medicinal Cooking Collective - Diets For Ailments & Disease: Week 2 Cancer
Today we are overwhelmed with dietary options and fads, and it is very hard to choose what will work for us. The media can't seem to make up their minds as to what is healthy and what is not. Our doctors are overworked and literally unable to provide adequate health care due to lack of time, knowledge, and pressure to prescribe medicines from companies that have only profit in mind. It is up to us to discover true health for ourselves through a healthy diet and lifestyle. You doctor may mention this, but knows very little about it and has no incentive to try to educate you! That is why we are here, and hope to inspire and help others who are ready to take their health into their own hands.
Late Summer Flower Medicine
Late summer is an incredible time on the homestead. It is the season of fruition when so much of our efforts “show themselves” in the form of delightful flowers!
Take a walk with me as we go around the homestead taking a deep whiff of the bounty of beauty that is here!
Some of these flowers were taken from my mom and dad’s place in Indiana, where I grew up. My mom, @birdsinparadise, had an amazingly diverse array of flowers that she grew, mostly perennials. By the time they moved, she had worked out the flowering so that something was nearly always blooming!
This pink flowering sedum is from her. It’s the first time it’s bloomed and I love seeing it.
You Gotta Have Spaaace! How I Create Space for Steem - or Life!
'You gotta have sppaace!'. This is a family catch cry - Dad's favourite. It comes from this gorgeous video clip about a lion in a zoo, missing real food 'proper for wild animals' and the space of Brazil where he had SPAACCCCE. I was always a bit confused about the clip because I didn't think Brazil had lions - is it a puma? I don't know, and I'm not sure it really matters - the point is, the lion's trapped in this seemingly great space, full of good tech and so on, but is missing the wilds, the grasslands, the things that call to his beautiful animal heart.
Late 1 Year Anniversary RE-INTRODUCTION of @ThePatrick
I’ve been on Steemit for about a year and half, and since I made my expatriate departure from the USSA to Mexico over 2 years ago I’ve achieved more personal (and spiritual) growth than I have in the previous 30 years of my life. I am seeing past the trees in forest, realizing more and more as time goes on what my mission is in this incarnation.
I’m gradually losing interest in pursuits I have previously thought completed me.
I’m realizing that some pursuits I loved have also come with destructive side effects that I’m not willing to sacrifice for, and have decided that I am willing to let go of any pursuit or desire or attachment if the destructive side effects aren’t eliminated from it.
The Natural Medicine of Bamboo
The monsoonal deluge continues across Asia, and suddenly the bamboo sprouts. Shoots. Takes off in ways that have to be seen to be believed. And the Thai people have a very practical strategy for dealing with anything that comes in massive abundance (read glut) in a short space of time - they EAT it. Whether that be fruit, bugs, snakes, frogs, or bamboo shoots. They're not fussy. Add chili & lime juice, or toss it in a spicy curry.
My first brush with bamboo was in a hospital room in Australia eons ago, where I was a long term patient. Ironically she who could not walk at that time had her own courtyard, fringed with the most delicate bamboo. It whispered to me through long solitary days and even longer nights, when I would beg the nurses not to close the drapes so I could watch the shadows. It danced and shared its own gentle medicine, just by virtue of its form and the rustle of its leaves.
It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living -- Issue #20 -- lots of sign changes
Lots of changes
Things all over feel very uncertain and off-balance right now.
Three of the five personal planets are basically in transition. They have either recently changed signs ... or are about to. That alone suggests we're waiting to see what's in store when things settle down and Life restores some stability. It's not often so much is in flux at the same time.
And for a while recently 6 of 8 possible planets were in retrograde which shows a lot of rethinking, revising, refocusing on different goals, adjusting your choices to take advantage of better -- or at least different -- options. Yes, that kind of maneuvering is necessary -- but it can be very uncomfortable, especially for people (like me) who like things set and settled and moving forward toward a definite target. All this rearranging -- it just ain't much fun!!!
Confronting discrimination
For many years of my life I will admit that I carried many discriminatory ideas around with me where ever I went. I hide behind many of them as I also struggled with an unhealthy aversion to confrontation. As a result, I also worked hard to "people please" so that I could feel a part of a group. I was messed up when I was a kid.
After my recovery in 2001, I was no longer being a "people pleaser" and worked hard at peaceful confrontation. My bias and discrimination were also healing but still had a long way to go. When I started training in the Martial Art of Tae Kwon Do, I did it in the hopes that the training would help my mental challenges as I felt my depression and suicide attempts were associated with a lack of discipline.
Green Smoothie Wednesday! Green Recipes & Inspiration - Food Photography
Hi guys! How are you today? Anyone in need of an immune boost smoothie? I have plenty of delicious tips for you to make your own superpower green smoothie!
How do you make sure to get all the greens you need? I personally find it quite hard to make sure I eat enough greens every day. A salad is great but is that enough? As a vegan, I think it is very important to care about the greens in your food, as they contain a lot of iron, calcium, proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals! So yes, I need them! So I really make sure I have that green smoothie (2-3 jars) every single day! And the great thing is, after a while, your body starts to crave the greens! The reason is your good gut bacteria that are giving your brain commando to get what they need! So this is really a great habit that is worth trying out for 30 days, and after that, you will no longer think of anything else than to get your greens in
Getting Past the 'Magic Bullet' Mentality
I admit. I'm guilty of clinging to the false belief that a simple, quick, and easy solution will solve what ails me.
I know, it's dumb and childish, but for some reason, I can't seem to fully shift past my desire to have immediate results with whatever I'm pursuing.
I understand the concept that hard work, persistence, practice, and determination in the face of obstacles is the obvious, straightforward path to success in practically any activity.
If you are undeterred by failure, if you are disciplined in creating a consistent practice, and strive to push yourself beyond your accepted norms, the chances of accomplishing your goals increase exponentially.
Matrix Soulutions Reloaded - Cannabis - A great plant ally!
Over the next few days, I'm going to be exploring many of the uses of one of our greatest plant allies.
The once demonized but now almost universally appreciated cannabis plant!
Sam x
Piercing Through The Mindfucks | Psy-Fi's Sacred Island Workshop on Sex Magic - Pt. 1/7 (feat. Dara & Simon)
Psychedelic festivals are not 'merely' a place for self-discovery, self-expression and the gathering of the tribes. An integral part of any good psy festival is the broad offer of seminars, workshops and lectures aimed at specific topics to further enable healing and the overcoming of hangups in the listeners who are willing to learn and work through their barriers.
And while I have been wanting to participate in many of those workshops over the years, I have always found myself happily stuck at the mainfloor, unwilling to give up the experience in order for long-term healing prospects.
[Hae-Joo] Pedagogy - The Art of Education
This question is on my mind. It would seem that throughout most of the modern world there seems to be a predominant consensus on what education means. Education and schooling appear to most quasi-synonymous, but are they really the same?
Some will speak about education that should take place within the home. Values, in the sense of morals and what is called "general education", are something which many believe should be transmitted within the privacy of a family unit.
Education seems to be defined in two ways: the first being the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. The second, however, has a much different connotation that we much less frequently encounter; education could be defined as an enlightening experience.
Plants Communicate Pain Using a Unique Nervous System [Dabbing with a Mage episode 167]
New research has brought to light the discovery of how plants communicate distress. Researchers were looking into how plants detect gravity, and incidentally came across the mechanism of action behind the communication pathway of pain in plants. Join me in today's episode as I discuss this amazing discovery in further detail!
Age Of Abundance: The Incredible Pace Of Ideas
We are entering a completely new paradigm. The shift that is taking place is going to propel society forward at a pace never seen before.
At the core of this progress are ideas. Specifically, the sharing of ideas and collaboration on projects. This is opening up a new model that will keep compounding the results going forward.
In fact, we see this on the STEEM blockchain. @steemhunt was the first application that I saw decide to fund their project via Steem Power and upvotes. This was a genius idea at the time and one that is being replicated to some degree by each new application.
This one idea is becoming a mainstay on the blockchain. Over time, we will see this concept expand more as others take the base idea and build upon it.
Sex and the Spiritual Connotations
I hope it has been a good week for you. I would like to talk to you about perhaps something the alternative media is not talking about so much and that is both the spiritual and metaphysical connotations of sex. See we live now in a society which is overly sexualised and highly promiscuous, in fact, it is encouraged. More disturbingly amongst the very young with so-called idols such as Rhianna making her music about s&m!
There are multiple reasons for this from a hijacking point of view going on in the metaphysical, see sex in its TRUE form between two loving partners is massively powerful, it has the ability to anchor essence energy down onto this reality, and can even be used for manifestation.
Empowering Ourselves by Going Solo
I've done several posts now about the murder here in the village. Obviously it had a powerful effect on me. Interestingly enough, right before it happened I had written something for my other writing gig about camping/hiking solo as a woman as an empowering experience.
I did this some years ago, and it was actually part of a spiritual journey. I spent four days and four nights alone in the woods with no tent. I also didn't have food or water, but that's a whole other profound post all on its own, and you can search back through old posts if you'd like to read more about it. In this case I wanted to focus on how empowering it was to be a woman alone in the woods.
Dropping The Story, The Journey of Awakening
Diving Deep
Or rather diving out and diving in. This piece of writing aims to explore the nature of reality, and give some logical and speculative means for releasing what we assume to be real. We all have our version of events - our current explanation. I will be offering my own version of events, which my own experience has shown me. I will also be discussing the relative 'realness' of any particular story we can come up with.
Before we go any further
There needs to be some openness established. We need to open to the idea that our way of seeing things is just an approximation. How do we feel about the idea that we really don't know what is real? If we can't come from this 'ground zero' or 'zero point' then the investigation might not be very fruitful.
The Deadpost Initiative - Week 40 - Share your most undervalued work ($17 STEEM rewards last week)
What is the Deadpost Intitiative?
The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.
Tribe Steem Up, Earth Tribe, Freedom Tribe Unite for an Organic, Non-GMO, Vegan Meal - Recipe for a Better World: Spicy Chilly and Salad
Unifying our tribes came full circle last night when our Steemit crew all met in one place...our place, for a wonderful, Earth conscious, healthy meal. @RichardCrill and his partner @LindseyLambz came all the way from Texas to visit Oregon, so I felt is was appropriate to invite them over for dinner before they left town. It just so happened that both @KennysKitchen and @Alchemage were also free that night, and gladly came over to share in this meal. I also was happy to meet the wonderful woman Kenny has been spending time with, who is also named Lindsay, and just opened a Steemit account as @theLynx. I guess you could say it became a Steemit dinner party.
"Weave To Empower" Womens Collective -Creating A Women's Co-Op
Ever since the idea came to me to create a Women's Co-Op, I knew I needed to come up with the right name. I have known all along what I wanted to create, but choosing a name that fully represents what I wish to achieve, has taken me a while. Because when we give something a name we give it power and when we say that name it really brings to life the vision that we have created.
Now that I have chosen the name, I feel like I can really begin to create, I can start to really reach out to more women within the community and be able to identify what there needs are and how they can be met within the collective. So today I wish to introduce the birth of
Weave To Empower
That's soo cool to see everyone together on @elamental's photo! I have loads of greats texts now saved for when I finally stop to enjoy a coffe and some good reading.
Lovely, lovely!
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That is a great photo indeed, all those wonderful people all in one place, enjoy all the reading @mrprofessor
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Honoured once again. Thank you. The tribe writes some fantastic stuff. I encourage people to check out everyone that @trucklife-family curates each week! Nice work my friend. <3
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thank you @wwf for your wonderful words, I hope you are well my friend xxx
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Well, just came through a horrible bug that put me on my back for 3+ days. So compared to a few days ago, I'm doing very well. lol. I'm progressing slowly through my healing. Thanks for checking in though! Peace to you.
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Damn. We're amazing. I gotta sleep, but I need to come back and check a lot of these. You're a freaking rock star for putting this together.
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thank you beautiful super mama xxxx
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
This @tribesteemup is amazing.
All these posts you shared with us are so interesting and I will have to come back to read the rest of them since they are so great.
Thank you so much for your amazing work putting all these awesome posts together.
Amazing. And I love the photo where you can see all these awesome people together.
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thank you @joalvarez, yes that photo is awesome. I hope you have enjoyed the posts xxx
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