I am Here To Live The Life I Am LIving: TribeSteemUp ByWeekly Question- "What is the meaning of life/Why are we here?"

in tribesteemup •  6 years ago  (edited)


This BiWeekly Question was put forward by @elamental, and it has to be, the ultimate question. The one question that so many seek the answer to, that philosophers debate over and that many begin life long quests to discover. Yet a lot of this searching seems to take you away from where the answer lies. Seeking out others to enlighten you, to guide you. When we need to do is be still and listen, listen to what our hearts, our intuition is telling us. Listen to ourselves.

I do not know the meaning of your life or indeed why you are, that is something, only you can answer. But, I do know the meaning of mine, I do know why I am here!

I know that my life is all about creating. That my life, is about living in harmony and that everything I do, I do out of love. By Creating the world that I wish to live in and share with my girls, a world where I live in harmony with nature, where I am of service to the earth. Where I only take what I need and always give something back when I do. Living in harmony with my environment, embracing the changes that occur and taking the time to sit with myself when they do and listen .


Allowing myself to feel all that I need to feel, experience all that I need to experience and trust that what comes my way, is what I need, in order to move forward. Even when it hurts like hell and leaves me feeling broken. Because when we are broken, it is time to shed off our old self and be reborn. To create myself anew. We are always creating, creating ideas, creating art, creating love. Moving through my life, I have be born anew so many times, each time stronger and each time with more clarity about the direction I need to be going in.

I am here to live the life that I am living. A life that is open to change, that is adapting and learning all the time. A life that is flowing and growing.My life is a voyage of discovery.

I live in harmony with nature, with my natural environment and with that comes such a strong sense of belonging and a strong sense of self. When we live close to nature, nature lifts us out of our everyday lives and transports us to a place of stillness and oneness. We just need to take the time to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us and when we do this we are allowing love into our lives. Love is transformative.

I know who I am, I happily identify myself as an Earth Warrior, an Earth Mama, my path is clear. I fight for all things that are natural and wild. All that is within me and all that surrounds me. I carry a message of freedom for birth, I stand strong in my dedication to helping women remember that they have a choice and that their bodies know exactly what to do when they are birthing their young. I strive to help empower mothers, because every mother has the choice to decide where and how they birth their baby.


Being a voice for animals still used in circuses!

I am here to to question all that is happening around me, to not just sit back and accept that this is the way things are meant to be in the world. Because I know that things can be so much better, that we all have so much potential. I am here to be the voice for those, who are not being heard. I am here to stand up and to be a warrior of the earth, to be a part of the change that needs to happen. I will not sit back, I will not just talk about what needs to happen. I choose to be active, I choose to part of the change that needs to happen. Because it is now, that we need to be proactive. Life is about what you are doing right now in this moment.

I have lived off grid for 9 years , I have chosen my lifestyle so that I have the minimal amount of negative impact on the earth. My aim is to give back more than I take. I grow some of my own food, I collect my water from local springs. I forage local herbs and fruits and I happily wear second hand clothes. I sing regularly and play music, I love to celebrate life, because that celebration brings me closer to my natural self. I take full responsibility for the actions I take, for the life I live. I am of this earth and to this earth I will return.


Yes I will continue to write about the importance of reconnecting with nature, I see this platform as such a great opportunity to spread the message of oneness and living naturally. This is what I am passion about, this is what comes from my heart. This is why I am here, to live the life I am living and connect with all you wonderful folk on here!

Some Words to Live By

Towards a True Balance by John P Rogers

Be Mindful!
Husband the earth. Protect
her from greed and violence. Build
humbly, plant trees, grow flowers and clothe her
with dignity. Respect all her creatures. Honour her
natural laws and the universe which cradles her.
Above all, heartily worship the Source of All that Is.
This world needs secret heros! Be brave, speak the truth,
heal the sick, make peace. Be strong, serve patiently, love
generously, live simply. Enjoy fellowship, eat and drink modestly,
celebrate the festivals. Breathe deeply, sing and make music,
walk often, cycle and recycle. Be thrifty, prefer cashflow to
possession, give good measure. Let your work be your prayer.
Put on the whole armour of light! Unearth the beauty in
everything. Inhale the Spirit of Goodness. Kindle Kindness,
especially towards yourself, embracing the sweet
silence of your own soul. Fear nothing. Accept
what you are and - while you have
breath - give thanks.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



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Hello! I'm so thoroughly and warmly moved by your words; I immediately upvoted, resteemed and followed you!

Within the past 2 hours, darkness was descending on me, even though my morning practice was solid & empowering. I am grateful for the awareness to detect it. And yet, some days (like today), the awareness was not enough.
I chose to allow it to fester, playing old, tired tapes & self-creating toxic conversations in my mind (meaning the other conversant is not within earshot of my voice :-))

With all the deep dives, the searching, the shedding, the healing, the unlearning and re-learning, over decades, some days I'm still human, frail, and triggered by fear.

I periodically forget that I AM A SPIRIT BEING in a physical body.

Sometimes it takes minutes, or possibly a day...eventually, I ALWAYS return to Essence, MY TRUTH, and regain my footing in the moment. I ALWAYS rise up so that my head is once again in the clouds seeing my bright and uplifting future.
I'm here to help. I'm an Uplifter. I'm a Seeker. I know this of me, and it took lots of shedding & shredding to arrive in my authentic life. This is no joke.

Thank you SO MUCH for reminding me of why I'm here.

wow thank you @jimmyoblog, we do need the darkness in our life as well, it is so important to embrace that part of ourselves for we are not whole without it. Life is about balance, as is everything in nature. It ebbs and flows and it is hard at times to surrender and go with the flow, but we must and we will always come through it, wiser and stronger than before. Thank you for you heartfelt words and I am really happy to connect with you on here, welcome to the Steemit community brother xxx

Thank you! And look forward to further engagement...

I have lived off grid for 9 years , I have chosen my lifestyle so that I have the minimal amount of negative impact on the earth. My aim is to give back more than I take. I grow some of my own food, I collect my water from local springs. I forage local herbs and fruits and I happily wear second hand clothes. I sing regularly and play music, I love to celebrate life, because that celebration brings me closer to my natural self. I take full responsibility for the actions I take, for the life I live. I am of this earth and to this earth I will return

This entire paragraph is perfectly said. I read it twice... beautiful!

thank you my friend, I am glad you enjoyed it xxx I am going to read everyone else's answer now xx

They are lovely words to live by at the end there. You are very lucky to have a strong sense of purpose - many don't, but could do well if they adhered to such a simple purpose. It's not rocket science, is it - care for the world, and it cares for back, and then we die, and our flesh becomes earth. Love that pensive picture of you leaning against the glass. A beautiful post. xx

thank you lovely, I made a video, but have huge problems uploading the video from my phone, that was the photo I wanted to use for the thumbnail, decided to use it for a post instead. Hopefully I will get a video out at one point, I hope you are well my friend xxx

Awesome. Let me know if you need a hand, I think I've got it down pat. If you look in the Natural medicine discord under 'how to', you'll find @mountainjewel's post on how to do it which makes it super easy. Once I did that, it seems I have no problem now.

Thank you for the beautiful and meaningful words! It's been a while since I have stopped by your profile, trying to spend more time away from the screen, but I always love to come across your posts!
I love that you know your meaning of life so strongly! I recognise so much in what you are writing :)

thank you lovely, I hope you are well. Are you still in Italy? xxx

Until tomorrow, yes - Going to Denmark and trying to buy a piece of land in the forest! I need to put down some roots! <3

Keep your heart Keep your heart You are his guard and you are the only one who has the key to him and choose who enters it

indeed it is important to protect yourself x

This is a lovely post!! Nature and fighting against circus’ wow, just love that. Circus and zoos just make my stomach clench. Thank you for sharing your beauty and love.
Your sis,
Eagle spirit

Ps. The photos are just gorgeous

thank you beautiful, always great to connect with you on here xxx

Beautiful post! Lovely picture of you so great to see you doing your earth warrior stuff... We definately need more ppl like you in this world.

thank you @celestialcow xxx

The plan of Salvation: We are here to prove our worthiness to go back to heaven and live with our Heavenly Father. And Jesus Christ made it possible to return to Heavenly Father, if we obey His commandments and live righteously with love for each other, while here on earth.
Families are important to God the Father. The purpose of parents & marriage is to provide opportunities for others to come to earth to fulfill our salvation missions here on earth.
The devil is cross because he can't obtain a body, so it's his mission to prevent us from returning to our Heavenly Father.