#11# The Useless Tip of the Day

in trivia •  4 years ago 

...We Hellenes say the phrase "the useless tip of the day " when we try to describe something that is useful in some way to know but is irrelevant in the current situation which makes it kinda useless....

Most Usable.jpg
original drawing by @funnel.. all rights reserved..

...elephant....such a beautiful animal....well it depends on how you measure beauty and what actually beauty means to you but i don't think someone can argue the fact,that a baby elephant for instance is adorable!!!!


...anyway elephant's beauty is not the case today....
...all of us assume that elephants can understand the sounds around them through their vast ears...correct???
...of course it is correct ...
...elephants also listen ...with their FEET!!!!!
...yes you read it correctly...this enormous mammal uses its highly sensitive feet to'' hear'' ..
..the sound waves spread out through the ground and air...
...by combining these signals using both ears and feet elephants can understand, where and how far the signals are coming from


source : https://www.kqed.org/science/1926248/how-elephants-listen-with-their-feet


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