Guess Who Just Got Quoted On Ethereum World News?

in tron β€’Β  6 years agoΒ 

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ THIS GUY πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


I gotta say, it's a pretty weird feeling to be searching for crypto news, click on the first thing you see, and then notice yourself being quoted on the topic.

tron secret project google.jpg

As I was reading it I was like...
"Wait, didn't I write this?"
"Is someone plagiarizing me?"
"Hm, this can't be right."
"Wow, a direct quote."

It's a very short article; my quote accounts for like 20% of the content lol.

Imagine a file sharing platform where leechers have to pay seeders! You now have a system where seeders get paid to seed. This dynamic then creates a balanced ecosystem where everyone is happy. Leechers get to leech for a nominal fee, and seeders get paid to seed. It’s a win-win for everyone and will create many 1:1 users who leech just as much as they seed, effectively breaking even. This is how file sharing should operate.

I've been searching for other theories as to what the Tron secret project could be. So far, I've found nothing convincing except for my own prediction. Author John P. Njui must seem to think so as well.

Interestingly enough. I believe John must have seen me quote myself on Reddit. My first and only post on Reddit was throwing out this prediction as to what the Tron secret project is. I guess it's good to branch out and get exposure in multiple areas.

I hope I'm right!

Being quoted on a prediction is cool, but it would obviously be 100 times better if the prediction was correct. I'd certainly like to be known as someone who can read between the lines in the cryptoverse.


Swing trade incoming.

I'm putting my money where my mouth is on this one. I've funneled half of my Binance portfolio into Tron with the expectation that the secret project will blow people's minds. It feels like a very low risk bet to me. Altcoins are pretty much at a solid support level. The chance that tron loses value over the next few days is pretty low.

Tron is also one of the few coins that I actually want to attach my apps to. Java is a big language on Tron and Java is the language I know the best, so even if this investment doesn't pan out short term I still may be in it for the long haul. I fully expect Tron coins to be worth at least $1.00 within one year. Currently a coin is less than 4 cents.

If my prediction is correct and Justin Sun has found a smart way to monetize file sharing, this will be cryptocurrency's first killer app. So far, very few people have joined the space because crypto doesn't provide services that the common folk want to use. File sharing is one step closer to that goal. Soonβ„’ the world will realize that Bitcoin's "store of value" pales in comparison to smart contracts empowering smart money.

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Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Congrats :D Seems torrenting has always had that issue. Some ppl dl and run. A 1:1 ratio is ideal and fair play to keep the reciprocity going. I guess if u pay then get paid, it makes sure you keep your 1:! going ;)

Congrats congrats :)

Congrats on getting quoted. I don't currently hold any Tron, but it was one of the first investments I made when I was stupid enough to think I could day trade, lol. I actually made some money on it overall although it also taught me not to be a weak handed little bitch.

If my finances smooth out in the next month maybe I will grab a little more to Hodl. At .04 each the risk is minuscule. I remember debating with someone else who was complaining they had some in their portfolio, knocking Sun for his proclivity to hype his project, even announcing he had announcements coming. Then they admitted the coin was up from what they had bought in at. Some people you just can't please.

Monetizing file sharing sound intriguing, although I will be curious how they will avoid the fate some of the earlier P2P sites went through due to the sharing of copyrighted materials.

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

Crypto nodes are located all over the world, making attacking all of them at once nearly impossible.

The biggest challenge the project faces is decentralizing the means of searching for files a user is looking to download. If you can do that, the product is unassailable. I think this will be easy to do because there will now be a monetary incentive to seed and make files available.

Speaking of monetization, adding crypto to file sharing allows the owners of the IP to come in get paid to upload their product. Instead of spending money on the unwinnable uphill battle against P2P file sharing they can now join in and mitigate their "losses".

Instead of spending money on the unwinnable uphill battle against P2P file sharing they can now join in and mitigate their "losses".

An interesting proposition, one I wonder if they will employ. Sometimes it seems they don't mind spending exorbitant amounts to crush what is a small loss for them.

Just curious, but is there a way that crypto will one day enable a surefire way of P2P without one being tracked? I don't have a lot of faith in methods people use now, such as VPN's and i really wonder how a decentralized exchange or anything of this nature can avoid the being tracked part. I have watched Amazon for years identify people who use such methods.

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

I imagine it would be very hard to track someone through a chain of mesh network nodes if all the nodes were protecting the source. When you look at how long Silk Road was up and how much money it made it's very obvious that staying anonymous online isn't that difficult. When you look at how these people get caught it's always some stupid mistake.

Well good luck to that! I put all my money on VeChain a couple of days ago... i guess you know how that went xD almost 20% increase in 1 day, i had just converted my last stellar into vechain when the whole thing took off!

I'm sure you will make a killing with TRX, even though i sometimes get angry with the shillmaster that justin sun is he can be a pretty solid CEO...

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Yeah there are a lot of shady things about Tron but we'll see. I still have more Steem than anything.

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Steem is a solid project. You're actually using it already!

How many other projects can you say that about?

Justin is making his own companies partnership with trx... multi-million dollar companies, i don't think he is very eager to have TRX fail... it would impact his other businesses

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ 

Being able to mine crypto by uploading files is going to be epic. I'll have to do a post on VPNs if that happens so that people know how to protect themselves against the copyright infringement boogieman.

Β  Β· Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

One thing I just realized is that the system would have to be an open market. You can't force a certain price rate. Each file has it's own supply and demand and each seeder is willing to give up that file for a certain amount of coin.

If the price was fixed you'd get scenarios where no one wanted to download a file even though there were tons of seeders because the price was too high. Conversely, a file with very high demand and no seeders and a fixed price wouldn't be incentivizing seeders to stay and help seed the file.

A variable price market will allow the owners of IP to come in and charge a premium for their files. People will pay more money to them simply because it's legal. This is how you bring corporations to the table.

Also, this gives financial incentive for hackers to crack games and put them up virus free, because they can now get paid simply from cracking the game instead of infecting your computer with adware or cryptojackers.