Trusted, honest and officially registered platform with verified smart-contract. Earn +200% up to your TRX deposit!
- Connect TRON browser extension TronLink / TronMask, or mobile wallet apps like TronWallet / Banko.
- Send any TRX amount (100 TRX minimum) using our website invest button.
- Wait for your earnings.
- Withdraw earnings any time using our website "Withdraw" button.
Now 14% Daily Profit - Basic interest rate: 1% every 24 hours
- Contract total amount bonus: +0.1% for every 1,000,00 TRX on platform address balance
- Personal hold-bonus: +0.1% for every 24 hours without withdraw
Total income: 200% (deposit included)
Minimal deposit: 100 TRX, no maximal limit
[AFFILIATE PROGRAM]: level referral commission: 5% - 2% - 0.5%