Many people have asked this question over and over again: "What is life?" however, none of them received a satisfactory answer to such a question. I personally say "what is life?" I researched his question on Google. And I haven't found a satisfactory answer for that either, and that makes me wonder if life really has a definition.
If we can't find a satisfying definition for 'life', how can we really make life at its best without understanding what it is?
Someone said: "If the purpose of something is unknown, abuse is inevitable", but to know the purpose of something, we first need to know what it is. So if we don't find a satisfactory definition of what life is, how can we find its purpose?
I sat down and thought deeply about this concept of life and its true meaning, and realized that life was too wide, deep, and wide to give a general definition. No one can define life in terms of being related to everyone, the only way one can define life is by our individual selves.
Life as a whole has no meaning; the meaning you get from life is the meaning you choose to give to it. It is the definition you choose to give to life that will govern how you relate to life and life.
How seriously you take life and how meaningful it will be to you depends on the definition you choose to give it. No one can define life for you, only you can define life for yourself. And until you find your own meaning for what life is to you, you will continue to get lost in this deep, vast and expansive being called life.
Compass that can help you navigate life is the meaning you choose to give to this broad concept called life. So, your life will be as meaningful as the meaning you choose to give it.