in true •  4 years ago 

We have been insisting in recent weeks on the benefits for our health of consuming foods of plant origin that have been clearly scientifically proven. Vegetables, fruits and vegetables are located in the first two steps of the food pyramids presented as one of the bases of a healthy diet and, therefore, it is recommended that they be abundantly present in the meals of each day. Scientific nutrition considers phytochemicals as the biological components present in edible vegetables. By biological components, we understand the substances present in food that would not be included within the traditional nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals) and that are capable of causing biological responses, beneficial to health, in mammals. and, within them and the focus of our interest, human beings. Within the phytochemicals one of the most studied groups is that of Buy terpenes. We focus on them today.


Among the true terpenes, two large groups usually stand out: carotenoids and sterols , carotenoids being the ones that have been most studied so far. Carotenoids are natural fat-soluble pigments that give fruits and vegetables a deep yellow, orange or red color. Carotenoids are widely distributed in nature, but also within our body, in blood and tissues. The human body does not synthesize carotenoids so we must provide them through food .

In the vegetables that we include in the diet, more than 600 substances considered as carotenoids have already been found. The best known of these substances is beta-carotene , present in all orange fruits and vegetables. Beta-is a great source of vitamin A since it can be transformed into it within our body.

Other popular carotenoids are lycopene , lutein and zeaxanthin which, although they do not have the provitamin A capacity of beta-carotene, cause very favorable effects on our health. The TOMATO is food that includes as much lycopene. BROCOLI, SPINACH and CABBAGE, meanwhile, are the richest in lutein and zeaxanthin. Monoterpenes are another group of substances included within the carotenoids. Among them are D-limonene, present in ORANGE, LEMON, GRAPE, VEGETABLES and SPICES .

  1. Powerful antioxidant activity

Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants, mainly in the case of lycopene.

It is important to indicate that scientific studies on the effects of lycopene indicate that its absorption increases with the grinding and / or heating of the foods that contain it (especially in tomatoes, but also present in papaya, guava or pink grapefruit) . The presence of lipids in the diet together with products rich in lycopene favors their bioavailability.

On the other hand, the levels of lycopene present in a tomato vary according to the conditions of its cultivation and harvesting and it turns out that, why not? Lycopene levels increase with maturation, being higher, therefore, when they are picked ripe than when they mature in chambers.

  1. Chronic-degenerative diseases

In recent years, there have been different epidemiological findings that confirm the protective effect of carotenoids in general, and lycopene in particular, against various chronic-degenerative diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Studies seem to indicate that lycopene could play an important role in the prevention of cancer, especially prostate cancer, but also in its therapy.

  1. Cholesterol control

It has been suggested that some phytochemicals could lower blood cholesterol levels , thereby playing a crucial role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Some studies have observed a reduction in serum cholesterol levels and the LDL-cholesterol fraction after supplementation with lycopene and, therefore, increasing their level in the diet.

  1. Eye health

For its part, the intake of lutein and zeaxanthin, also powerful antioxidants, has been associated with the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), frequent diseases with age and the main causes of blindness in the West.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are stored preferentially in the retina, the place from which they exert their antioxidant activity, also acting as a filter against sunlight, reducing the formation of free radicals in this way.

The amount of these carotenoids in the diet is related to their density in the retina, so the intake of these two substances (remember, B ROCOLI, SPINACH and COLES are their main food sources) can be a fundamental aspect in maintaining the eye health.


Sterols are substances with a structure quite similar to that of cholesterol and are found in large quantities in oilseeds, such as SUNFLOWER, SESAME and SOY.Several studies have pointed out the cholesterol-lowering role of sterols through mechanisms that involve an increase in the fecal excretion of both cholesterol and bile acids.

Passing the smell test: what you should know about terpenes

"Terpenes" is a new term in the cannabis glossary. They provide the smells and flavors in cannabis and are responsible for a wide range of medical effects Terpenes are aromatic molecules secreted within the tiny resin glands of flowers or buds. They produce a citrus scent in some varieties and may smell and taste like lavender or even cheese in others. There are at least 100 unique terpenes from the cannabis plant; it is the combination of these chemicals and cannabinoids that creates effects such as drowsiness or energy.

The term terpene is also often used to refer to terpenoids, which are oxygenated derivatives of terpenes.

Terpenes play an important role in resin development and are widely used in the production of essential oils for medical and beauty products. This is how terpenes made their way into the fragrance industry, as well as into conventional and alternative medicine. They are most commonly used in aromatherapy, but are also made synthetically as flavors or aromas and as food additives.

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