A Conversation With My Grandmother

in trump •  8 years ago 

I was talking with my grandmother last week, and she said something that I found interesting.

She was talking about how you won't get pulled over going 5 miles over the speed limit. She said that they could pull you over for going 1 mile over the speed limit, but they don't.

Of course, the police is one of those subjects that really makes my blood boil.

I said they can frankly do whatever they want, whether legal or not, with no consequences whatsoever.

Didn't she see that a mistrial was declared in the trial of Walter Scott's killer?

She hadn't.

I explained that there was video of this cop shooting an unarmed black man in the back as he ran for his life.

She kind of shrugged it off... "Well didn't you see those protests at Ohio State? That guy that plowed his car into those people and then got out and started butchering people. They're protesting the cop that shot him!"

This caught me flat footed... No, I didn't hear about any protests. But I was aware of that tragic event.

I was legitimately curious... so I pulled out my phone. Turns out there were anti-Trump protests recently.

Grandma, it looks like people were protesting against Trump. Not because of the cop shooting the attacker.

Oh, well people are always protesting Donald Trump.

Well, yeah...

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cough cough Fake News mumble mumble tune into your regular local station for the next episode. :)

EDIT: I am not saying what you wrote is fake news. I'm kind of bashing those STATIONS and MEDIA pushing the Fake News label, as they hypocritically show again and again how deserving of that label they themselves are.

The media is a disaster.

Grandmas are the best. LOL

Haha!! Okay I saw that you are a witness and I was looking for a posts that would help me decide whether or not to vote for you and TA DA, LOL, not exactly what I had in mind but somehow exactly what I needed to know. Heading over to vote for you now...that is if I can find that witness page again ;)

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