President Trump vs. Deep State and Media

in trump •  7 years ago 

I betting on our side because more and more of us are unplugging from cable and the media.
Michelle Malkin: Today in America we got the progressive left, the open borders lobby, that have done everything in its power to fight President Trump who is trying to make sure that we don’t have Madrid-style bombings and more vehicular jihad attacks like this on our shores. And what do they do? Exactly what you’ve been talking about all week long Sean which is play the race card. Not only to demonize personally their political opponents but to obstruct them from achieving our most basic goals of government in ensuring our sovereignty and safety of our people… I think it’s extraordinarily unprecedented the forces this president is up against.

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"more and more of us are unplugging from cable and the media" So true. And seems like it's happening all around the world. People are sick of fake info.

just followed you, yeah on my video channel today the first request i'm going to make is to deplug

We can unplug from media and cable however if Americans do not start to voice and stand up how will that affect change? Been pondering: how many alt left compared Trump supporters, those who want to see America thrive? I have a suspicion the ratio for alt left is small compared to Trump supporters. Believe it is an age old analogy the small rule --that has to change.

You got to know that US had its own time long ago. And Trump has nothing to do with it. All that politics do is slowing down the regular people and helping the bankers. US was at the peak in 1950s and 1960s. If you don't beleive me, try to calculate the prices of real estates (like regular houses) , food, health services... , and monthly wages. And big bankers are causing all the deflation, they are indirectly lowering your salaries and boosting prices. It will come to the point, your shops just will not have things they sell. Shop shelfs will become half empty....

i agree i wish i could walk around in the 50s in new york for like a week just to see the greatness


The problem, as I see it, is that we Trump supporters need to stand up and voice our opinions on a large scale. We need to hold rallies and protests (not riots) and make it known that we will not stand for this liberal domination of the media. It's time to stand up. We can't be the "silent" majority any longer.

that's right, i've done that since 2003 and if you speak out protect yourself job wise as it's really cost me

Totally agree.

excellent post and i'm following you now my man