Trump Proven Right North Korea Backs Down! - kopia

in trump •  7 years ago 

While the media freaked out about Trump's "big nuclear button" tweet, NoKo toned down its nuclear rhetoric. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions

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It will be great if Trump's lunacy results in a peace agreement between the two Korea's, but will Trump let them make peace? Or, did the dog just catch the car? Whatever, I say this is great. Let North and South Korea make their deal and keep Uncle Sam the fuck out of it.

Personally I believe more that Trump is a "very stable genious".

He is the first president in 24 years that treat North Korea as the spoiled rotten child it is rather than helping the acquire the technology to build a nuclear threat. Remember that North Korea is a current ongoing Nazi Germany/ Communist Maoist China where people have no rights and gets raped and pillaged on a daily basis. Clinton/Bush/Barack all went the stupid easy direction and had a pee in their pants for a quick and easy warm fussy feeling. The so called "Strategic patience" strategy is moronic at a minimum.

Manhandling the little Kim for a bit brought him to the table and is what eventually will bring him down.

ust my opinion...could be incorrect, future will tell.

I think what we see is the show for the rubes. Trump probably just gave somebody a green light behind the scenes. But, still, if it works, it's a great accomplishment for Trump.

Whatever however ,the result is MAGA