RE: Trump Calling For Violence?

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Trump Calling For Violence?

in trump •  7 years ago 

Of course he is. It's just one of the many attempts he takes to paint some "other" as an attacker or aggressor against his/their agenda. Someone are something is always the enemy. And when terms like that are uses it suggest that any means should be used as "defense".

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yea his divisive nature has been entirely unwelcome. At least in my eyes. This 'other' tactic he employs, is not creating a more united nation; none of that is good in my opinion. I mean is that really what he wants to see? All out violence in the streets? Even these racist white folks who wanna make America 'all whites only' again, do they wanna get there, at that Cost? (and will that move even bring them what they want? Why cant THEY go find a island somewhere and leave us alone.......... )