Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued....Q mania

in trump •  6 years ago 

Q mania is now mainstream and Q followers are always looking for more "Red" meat.  You-Tube is their release.  But take your "red" meat with a grain of salt please.  Below is but one example.  Note, just my opinion.

I seem to recall the MSM talking about not covering Potus rallies before the March 10th rally in Moon Township.  We know that they avoided them while DJT was running for President.  Actively misreported attendance and other facts.

Serial Brain2 has a video about assassination attempts on Potus.  And as usual you have to have a Snickers bar before you read or watch this on "War Drummers You-Tube Channel:

I believe if you go to Q posts 942,943 and 944 you will follow along. Since SB2 reaches too far on occasion, let us reach back the other way. Suppose the Q team is monitoring "chatter" among the media elite. What might they pick up?

Probably wishful thinking about what some nut should do to Potus at one of these rallies. The MSM wants this. They have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now they tell Trump that "We won't cover your rallies anymore." Pouting.

So Potus and Q team insert false intel into that group. How hard would that be to do? DJT is testing how easy it is to TROLL these folks, but imo this may go over the line a bit if true. As I said this is a reach in the other direction of SB2.

What happens? The network with about 100k viewers schedules a documentary on the JFK assassination for the same time as a Potus rally. In bad taste also imo, to be scheduled simultaneously.  But also "lucky" if Potus is attacked.

Now go look at Q post 942. "CNN airing assassination of JFK.**CNN 3 sec delay - speech.**CNN Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.**These people are sick.**Q" This was posted during the speech. 

Here is a link to speech:  

   The main reason for Trump in Pittsburgh?  Politics.

Trump backs Rick Saccone for the special election in the 18th Congressional District vs Coner Lamb. Saccone lost by less than .4% three days later.

Now if CNN is paying attention to Q post 942, they know that they have been caught in the act.  This is very important.  This is why I believe that DJT and Q set up CNN for this regardless if there was a "real" threat.

There are always "threats." So the leak would not even be a lie. The key thing would be how the "leak" was presented to the CNN shill chosen to be the goat.  Acosta?  Maybe SB2 too depending on SB2's sources after the fact? Now go to Q post 943

Also posted during speech. "You witnessed a strength test tonight.**Speech promoted here/POTUS to gauge response.**Net slowed.**Protections in place. **Q" Our President is Safe and trolling the CNN folks. "Na Na, Na Na Na."

Picture Q sticking his/her/their collective tongues out at CNN.  Go see the 8chan notes at: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/621417.html#621887 to see what the board was saying about this speech.  "Internet was slowed down etc.."

The Q post made just after the speech #944 was in response to an anon's question about the German root origin of New World Order:"We went too deep.**Attempted a pullback.**Not ready.**Q" Nothing more about assassinations.

This post was about how Q was trying to educate the "normies" about how the Left Wing today traces all of their philosophy to the NAZI era to include how they are organized and how they look.  Q thinks folks are not ready yet.

Folks involved in the Q movement will always be looking for the next clue to the puzzle and there will always be people or groups to present it to you.  Until we win.  Then we must transition to "keeping our Republic."

So what I am saying about SB2?  Maybe he/she was reaching on this.  Having Q recognize one of your posts may have gone to their head.  Or not.  Sb2 could be right.  I just do not think so. Qanon posts can be found at: https://qanon.pub/

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