Unabashed celebrity blackmailer and prostitute Stormy Daniels.

in trump •  10 months ago 


That’s how she should be referred to. With so many serious problems, it’s incredibly selfish for one person to suck up tens of billions of people’s attention globally for no useful purpose other than election interference.

Stormy said and I heard, “(Trump) never asks me to be quiet and he never offered me any money to be quiet.”

Case over.

Same with E. Jean Carroll, the crazy lady with the house that looks like something out of a nightmare about serial killers, “People think of rape as sexual. There wasn’t any sex. It wasn’t sexual. It wasn’t sexy.” She said this to Anderson Cooper, who looked stunned that she admitted she lied. He cut to commercial.

All judgements related to E. Jean Carroll should be vacated for fraud, slander, libel and everyone related to her cases should be sanctioned for fraud and misrepresentation.

Two female accusers. Judgements of over $80 million. Both admitted that their cases were fraudulent.

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