Lets CoExist Blog #4

in trump •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello and thank you for checking out Lets CoExist blog entry #4. Lets Coexist blog is a once a week entry on steemit reporting on CoExistCoin news, fintech news, world news, charitble news and other interesting things. 

Were back!!. I had to take some personal time off but this weekly blog is back. 

First and foremost, thank you for reading this. Whatever funds we can collect from steemit posts we will donate it to charity. 

CoExistCoin is making some changes again with the proof of work rewards. The community that consists of early investors and adopters made a strong case in efforts to save the plummeting trade value of CoExistCoin. The crypto currency which aims to help the less fortunate with donations to charitable causes has seen coin dumps daily from strong mining pools mining the coin and dumping them on the market causing a price dive.  The CoExistCoin community feels this is only benefiting miners while slowly killing CoExistCoins value on trading exchanges. 

In an upcoming mandatory update PoW rewards will drop drastically. Also POW time will go from 1 min to 5 min. We are in preliminary stages of discussion. Other changes in wallet will be made. Also in discussion is that CoExistCoin will completely re write source and start a new blockchain. This would be done to eliminate constant bugs in original code. Final updates and release dates will be reported here on Lets CoExist blog. Help the good fight and donate to CoExistCoin at CoExistCoin.com 

   Major news this past week was the presidential elections in the USA. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45’Th president of the United States of America. Donald Trump, a real estate mogul and former reality star of the hit show The Apprentice, with no prior political experience beat out the former first lady and 67th secretary of state. Hillary Clinton made history becoming the first women presidential nominee. 

Going into Election Day all projections pointed to a Hillary win by a land slide. Speculation on as to why Clinton loss varies from Snowdens WikiLeaks of her political E-mails, constant chatter from the F.B.I. maybe indicting Hillary Clinton and news reports about the mishandling of funds from the Clinton foundation. Months leading up to the election Hillary was reported multiple times being wobbly, fainting and sick. This may have caused concern over her health and if she was fit to serve such a stressful position. 

Others say that Donald Trump won because he was not a politician. The people are sick of the current state of corrupt and pay to play way the political system has become. Not having to owe political favors and deals made it attracting even though he is viewed as a brash foul mouthed bully. 

I for one am waiting to see what President elect Donald Trump is going to do in office. The Republican party has the Senate and House majority. There will be swift changes in the first 100 days on some of President Obamas policies for sure like the repeal of Obama care. One thing for sure is that this was a historic presidential election.

   In cryptocurrency news  Bitcoin wallet company Blockchain announced today with the help of its partnership with Coinify, that it will have a instant purchase of Bitcoin option. (Much like how Circle does it) The two companies has dubbed this as a means to cut friction in the bitcoin buying process. 

Blockchain CEO Peter Smith said in a statement:

“This announcement represents a giant step forward in making bitcoin, still a nascent currency, a more compelling and efficient financial solution for new users.”

The feature would mark a notable shift in strategy for Blockchain, which has long emphasized its software-only wallet design (it has not featured a purchase option since it was founded in 2012). 


The next four years are not looking good for climate change. President-elect Donald Trump, who believes climate change is a hoax (it's not), is looking for ways to dismantle the groundbreaking Paris climate agreement and has appointed a climate change skeptic to head up the Environmental Protection Agency.

But amidst the carbon-choked clouds gathering over our future, there is one small bright ray of sunshine: a group of schoolchildren has just won the right to sue the government over its failure to curb climate change.

The group, called Our Children's Trust, consists of 21 young people between the ages of 9 and 20. In several states they've been arguing that "in causing climate change, the federal government has violated the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, property, as well as failed to protect essential public trust resources."

As our country continues to rely on fossil fuels to power our homes and our cars, we're already starting to feel the impacts of a warmer world. But it's the next generation that will bear the brunt of the melting ice caps, drying farmlands, wildfires, and more severe storms. And it turns out they're kind of mad about that.

Although various agents in the petroleum industry and the government, and even a previous judge motioned for the kids' case to be thrown out, Judge Ann Aiken from Eugene, Oregon gave the kids the right to sue.

This is just the beginning of what will likely be a long and arduous legal battle for these kids, but it's an important step in the right direction. The same tactic worked in the Netherlands last year, when a court ruled that the government "has to ensure that the Dutch emissions in the year 2020 will be at least 25 percent lower than those in 1990." Here's hoping we can repeat that in America.

   In Charity news This NFL Player Is Changing Children’s Lives Via Unique Educational Program. 

 Malcolm Jenkins, a football player for the NFL's Philidelphia Eagles raised more than $90,000 at the 3rd annual Blitz, Bow-Ties, and Bourbon fundraiser on October 24 at Union Trust in Philadelphia. Funds that was raised will support The Malcolm Jenkins Foundations’ youth programs and initiatives in the Philadelphia area including a week long summer camp for middle schoolers (grades 5-8) called by its acronym STEAM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Athletics, and Mathematics. The proffesional athlete established his foundation to provide experiences to youth that they might not ordinarily have.

In an interview Malcolm Jenkins said:

“We were able to partner with Drexel University and their ExCITe center which are doing cool things in their laboratory. For the pilot program in July 2016, we were able to bring the children in to teach them about the world around them in ways they might not have been able to see on their own. We taught them about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Athletics and Mathematics. These subjects are usually taught separately. Drexel’s ExCITe center is teaching the kids how they can be applied together, mixed in certain ways. I want them to learn from the program that the only thing that limits us is our own creativity.”

 Program manager at the ExCITe center,  Kara Lindstrom explained that STEAM, by incorporating digital technology and artistic approaches, allows students to explore familiar realms such as music, video games, and athletics in creative ways. Kara said:

 “The students built speakers out of household items, learned core computing concepts while creating video games, captured biometric data while playing football and basketball using wearable accelerometers, and even participated in a virtual reality activity with Malcolm Jenkins himself.” 

Jenkins was inspired to create STEAM after watching his younger brothers have difficulty learning in the classroom. He said, “My younger brother is not necessarily a kid who is going to learn by reading a textbook and performing on a performance test, but he’s one of the those people that is applicable. You can show him a skill, he can practice it, and that is how he learns. The same thing is with my youngest brother. He was very into technology, graphic arts, and video game at an early age. He learns totally different than I do. These are the type of programs that kids that grow up in poverty or impoverished school districts do not get.”

The foundation plans to expand the program to the other communities that the foundation serves.

That will do it for this weeks Lets CoExist blog. Please like, share and upvote this blog.  Any and all help is greatly appreciated by me. Have the best week ever.

Philip Lima

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