in trump •  6 years ago 

President Trump.jpeg

The story Bob Woodward didn’t tell:

The Washington power circuit loves insider baseball—stories that spread gossip, flatter the egos of political operatives, and give pundits new fodder for columns or TV hits. It doesn’t matter if the stories are true; it just matters that they don’t force the reader to think too much.

“While I generally enjoy reading fiction, this is a uniquely Washington brand of literature, and his anonymous sources do not lend credibility,” Defense Secretary General James Mattis said of Bob Woodward’s upcoming book. “The contemptuous words about the President attributed to me in Woodward's book were never uttered by me or in my presence.”

Right on cue, the Beltway media will feast on this tabloid gossip while ignoring results that actually matter to the more than 300 million Americans this Administration serves.

Just a few of those results:

More Americans now employed than ever recorded in our history.

Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than 3 decades.

Coal exports up 60 percent and U.S. oil production hitting an all-time high.

Breakthrough trade deals-in-principle with Mexico and the E.U.

Median household income hitting the highest level ever recorded.

And that’s just the economy. On defense, there’s the near-total destruction of ISIS’ self-declared caliphate.

On diplomacy, at least 17 American detainees have been returned on President Trump’s watch.

And the list goes on.

It's simply WRONG to write bullshit lies about a sitting American President. It has never been done before and it is a great evil.

The establishment HATES President Trump because he is not BOUGHT AND PAID FOR like all the other politicians in Washington DC.

The American people see that the MSM, ex FOX, hates the President.

The American people see that the American Congress is wholly bought and paid for and the RINO's (many of whom are leaving and will not seek re-election) are the REAL PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTRY.

The Democrats continue to marginalize their own party without a platform.

The Democrats stand for just one thing THAT DOES NOTHING FOR EVERY DAY AMERICANS:


I want to be the first to predict:


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