RE: JERUSALEM! The Hamas in the Box Effect

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JERUSALEM! The Hamas in the Box Effect

in trump •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Jerusalem is the navel of the world"?

As an aside, it is very difficult, if not impossible to corroborate any purported history of that region one way or the other. The timeline noted above should be viewed lightly, for entertainment purposes only.

Even if, somehow, the history is perfect, exactly what does Jerusalem have to do with anybody, except for the religious fanatics and lunatics who live there, or nearby, or others in more far away places (like uber-zionist Christian congregations)?

Settling in the dust bowl of waved off advice is the bit of George Washington urging the nation, and all future generations of Americans to avoid "entangling alliances".

In other words, Jerusalem has not a thing to do with any American, that is for sure, on any measurable, objective, practical level. In fact, this obsession with israel and jews that Trump panders to, has been, objectively, nothing short of a canker sore on America.

But for the jews and their jew state in Palestine, Americans have been taxed trillions, and shed an ocean of blood in the Middle East, and other parts nearby.

And what was our return on that 'investment', hmm?

To date, not a penny has been paid back on all those American taxpayer backed 'loans', let alone any interest, or other sort of positive return.

And the wars? Exactly what did we get? How did it benefit ... you ... dear reader? Can you think of anything? How has it personally enriched your life, so substantially that hundreds of thousands of American people died in wars fought for zionist objectives was worth it all?

I am confident you will come up with a big fat b-L-a-N-k.

Why is that? Because there is none, none at all. That is the truth. You were taxed and never repaid, and your sons were annihilated on foreign soil for nothing.

Did George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Co. obsess over Jerusalem? Do we find anywhere in their communication about its importance? Was it ever a factor in establishing a legal framework to (hopefully/supposedly) maximize the happiness of a free man, as he trods on this earth? I have looked, and have found none.

In fact, they all agreed America had a good thing going, buffered by two large oceans, so it could develop and prosper without the intrusions from the bad old world.

And what was one of those intrusions? Was it not constant and never ending wars, where religion was used as a pretext? Indeed, it was!

It is no wonder, then, why the 'founders' (at least one thing to their credit) argued that the government should not be used as a tool for the establishment of any particular religion, because they knew all to well it had led to constant turmoil on the European continent, with its own plagues it dealt with coming from at sundry times mohammedan invaders.

Well, even while they said all the right things, at the same time they were taking jew money to finance their secession effort from England, the Achilles heel, that little bit of leaven, that compromise that would ultimately lead to America's downfall, playing with the same fire of jew money, traded as it was between the princes of England, France, Germany and Spain, leading to all the turmoil on the European continent the founder's bemoaned, and rhetorically sought to avoid.

That, ladies and gentleman (sorry to exclude the other 475 'genders', I simply cannot remember them all), is what we refer to as an irony.

With this 'leaven' percolating and circulating in the background, sometime in the 1870's, or thereabouts, some fanatical zionists from the Russian slums hatched their 'plot' to retake Palestine and make it the new israel. Somehow one of them managed to wander into the corridors of power in England to float the idea. At first, they were laughed off, but then the jew money had an epiphany. The ultimate cause to give them control of the money supply of the west.

Once Mssgrs Lloyd and George were (I suppose) blackmailed for some secret sin of theirs, the die was cast for the pre-planned war (WWI) (World Jewish Congress 1903 - read The Controversy of Zion by Douglass Reed). This war would need financing. J.P. Morgan had lent England $300,000,000 in gold to the English effort (see The Creature of Jekyll Island), but the German U boat as of 1916 made repayment of that loan look in doubt.

Never fear! The Federal Reserve, a jew owned private banking cartel, empowered to create money out of thin air, backed by the full faith and credit of Americans, is here!

As of 1914, the thentofore cash strapped federal government now had the ability to get all the 'money' it needed, with the greatest of ease. After the jews cut a deal with Balfour, they went to work on Wilson, who then did a full 180 - selling out America for the jews -, the printing presses went to work, massive infusion of American troops, J.P. Morgan gets his $300,000,000 (GOLD not fake FRNs) back, Germany is beaten back, and the jews are closing in on their dream.

Anyway, we saw the same scheming occur not much later, and voila!, the jews have managed to have a jewish state 'declared' into existence in 1948, backed by American money.

israel, however, despite the 'rules' laid out by the partition of the UN Resolution, began to grow like a cancer - genociding the locals out of existence and forcing them out of their homes, this foreign invader from primarily Russia, Poland, and to a lesser degree Hungary, and maybe Ukraine, all backed with American money and military hardware.

Basically, the stupid Americans sat by while their politicians (both parties!) sold them out in a bidding war for jew money to get elected (Reed, ibid), in exchange for cash, weapons and bombs to evict Palestinians, who, apparently, committed the grave sin of living happily in their own homeland with their families.

The jews (frauds) were not content with the slice of land apportioned to them under the fraudulent UN mandate, so they set to work to expand.

Jerusalem, naturally, has been the apple of their eye.

Here we are today, and the jews, these conniving, lying, sinister bastards, promoting all their fraud and ties to ancestral parties, who themselves were up to their eyeballs in their own frauds, finally managed to get another American pol to 'declare' even more land for the genocide terror state of israel - Jerusalem.

Now, again, whatever happens in Jerusalem doesn't mean anything to me. Its all total crap, linked to billions of fanatical mystics who have all their crazy ideas about invisible things and the afterlife, based on books written by men, not known, least of all their motives. It is all one insane bottle of crazy juice.

The founders would be technically shocked, because since the jew like to argue (to avoid the census at Ellis Island) jew = "religion" and not "race", what we end up with is a full out government sponsorship of the jew religion, which modernly is judaism, which is built on the talmud and the kabbalah, which all by itself is a sadistic, and twisted luciferian tale (see The Holy Serpent of the Jews, by Texx Mars).

Basically, what we have been witnessing is a grotesque establishment of a religion, of the worst possible kind, all at American taxpayer expense. This is not only an entangling alliance, bearing the worst sort of fruit by any objective measure, but it is a total and utter breach of the First Amendment non-establishment of religion clause.

Of course, the jews, who are nothing more than materialist scum bags, power hungry lucifer worshipers, who care naught for the traditions they co-opted, except for whatever manipulative means they can extract out of stupid idiots like American Christians to fall for their persecuted BS stories, while moving their Trojan horse right into the living room of every American for decades now, all with the formal seal of approval by compromised politicians, who are all easy targets for blackmail, because the jews control both money and the media, are very happy with the outcome. They want total control over Jerusalem so they can rebuild the temple. The jews have this idea that they will control the world, and their leader will rule from this temple.

And the way things look, it just might happen. Anybody care about the facts (see above)?


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