Apology for the abuse of words

in trump •  7 years ago 

To my 16 followers(HAHA), the universe(much bigger than 16) and myself(not necessary really but being funny), i must apologize for that last post. Trump and sessions are cowards. That is true but the dribble i wrote in the heat of being pissed off just added to the effects of Trump and Sessions and though i don't like to admit it that had to be the intended response those two wanted. I bit hook, line and sinker.
Manly p Hall states, amongst many others, that words are eternal, they vibrate, and that vibration remains long after the audible sound goes away. Words resonate in the consciousness of those who have read them, in the world for those who have heard them, and the universe for all time a word once spoken can and will never die.
The words of discourse must be well thought out before spoken, and mine were not. There was nothing in my thoughts but to air my grievances. that only grows the discourse in the public mindset. Im mad at them, some trump idiot is going to respond,unkindly,to me and so on it just keeps multiplying and all of that lingers in all of our minds subconscious thoughts for an undeterminable time, perhaps forever.
THOTH says make your causes the reasons for better effects because all effects have to have causes.
Today i woke up to a you tube video of Manly Hall on love. The purpose of humanity to support nature comes down to truth. nature never creates anything that doesn't end up supporting the Devine. Anything we speak must be truth, it may only be truth to us, but its the truth if it is true to us. When we speak without temperance the words we chose may come from jealous, ambitious, or confrontational sources. Those thoughts and words are not true they are divisive.
So yes i believe Trump and Sessions are indeed cowards but i dont wish to lend to the effects by being a new source for the cause, so i apologize and maybe that thought will be the resonating lingering word or vibration that the universe holds on to.
If your ever unsure about your thoughts and feelings reflect a moment and ask whether the things you feel are from your heart or your external experiences. If they are not from the heart they are not true and if they are not true you do a disservice to the universe in their utterance.
Every living thing in the universe has a purpose and maybe Trump and Sessions purpose was to make me aware that i need to be a better person, seems like a stretch, but in a world of infinite realities we all need to know that the only one we have any control over is our own. We manifest that reality ourselves, so manifest the best one you can and leave the negativity for those who want that in their reality, and be the causes of better effects.
Thanks Maly P Hall and THOTH for your guidance and ill try not to have to apologize again for words i let out without thinking...

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