What am I Missing Mr Bartlett?

in trump •  7 years ago  (edited)

Bruce Bartlett.jpg

What you're missing, Mr Bartlett, is the fact that you called over 60 million people racists! You don't get to do that and quietly disappear into the night. You think people are just going to sit idly by and allow you to besmirch there good names because they put an 'X' in a box next to Donald Trumps name?

You're gravely mistaken if you think its not a big deal. You called complete strangers 'racists' that's why they are hurling vitriol at you. Not because they hate you per se but because they despise the blase rhetoric that people such as you spew on a daily basis just because of the way they voted.

What about all the Bernie supporters that voted Trump? They most certainly didn't vote for him because they supported him and are racist. What about all the Libertarians, classical liberals and Anarcho's that voted for him? They didn't vote for him over flawed policies or because they are racist. No Mr Bartlett. A large portion of those Trump voters cast their ballots that way because the democrats fielded the worst candidate in the history of their party and they are clearly very pissed at you! you've failed to grasp this simple premise.

Maybe ask a few people if they actually are racist before making such irrational and sweeping statements. If you didn't care about the opinions of those commenting then why make such a big point out of it? If your going to use generalizations then at least be sensible about it! You didn't even establish an exception to the rule! you actually stated all of them 100%!

I'm sure you'll, no doubt, make further claims of widespread prejudice against people that don't have any. I'm sure you'll make further posts asking why people are bothered about your posts. A word of advice, step away from the keyboard.

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