Here's the thing.

in trump •  7 months ago 


Dog whistles work. But oooooh boy do they sound STUPID. A a student in Bradford people would always say how this or that curry house would serve cats but the practicalities of a cat based food chain? Buddy you can LITERALLY go buy some mince or chicken at the local Tesco's. You can get food at a food bank.

Could you live off cats?

You probably could if you spent all week hunting them. But this doesn't chime with a second dog whistle - that all immigrants are lazy. Which is is? Skilled pet hunters or lazy layabouts? You just can't have it both ways?

These 'Pet Libel' stories have BEEN stories FOR EVER. Neanderthals were stealing our pets and making them into curry. The Spanish probably said the same about British tourists on the Cat-sta del sol.

But ask yourself this...

Why DOES the other side need all these DOG WHISTLES anyway?

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