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in trump •  8 years ago  (edited)

In case you didn’t guess, it’s Don’s Bathrobes reporting to you from deep inside the White House.

All dressed up like a big boy in the photo above, Don looked very different on the night of the party, don't worry we're gonna tell you all about it.

So you didn’t hear about the hot tub that Don had installed in the lower levels of the White House? Well, it’s more of a pool than a tub, probably about the size of your whole house really.

Anyway there was a huge party at the tub on the night that Don released his new muslim ban (oops Travel ban). They thought it was worthy of a party. Perhaps partying a bit early really though we thought.

The vodka (leftovers from Trump's disastrous product failure, will it turn everyone blind?), and numerous other types of alcohol were flowing freely (probably expensed by Don so the US taxpayer pays the bill).

It was a free for all, even Vlad (you know, Putin)was there, ha bet you didn’t know he was actually here. Don flew him in on a private jet, not his one, but a secret private charter flight…there were also many Russian…shall we say ladies of the night, accompanying Vlad.

Everyone got all wrapped up in, well our friends, some were silk, some were, fake silk (satin) there was a couple of guys wrapped up in hemp bathrobes too. For some reason there was a dude wearing a see through plastic raincoat too with nothing on under it…weird.

The coverings didn’t stay on for long…naked bodies all over the place, in all sorts of positions, doing all sorts of things…

There was a wide selection of mind altering chemicals too.
Everyone seemed to really enjoy the pills and the LSD too, there was even some people doing lines of…I’m assuming Cocaine.

There was someone shouting to Don “take it, take it all!” then we saw the ACHA (American Health Care Act) being pushed a page at time into Dons’ open, waiting mouth. He was swallowing page after page, and begging for more. It’s so good, give me more” we heard Don trying to say between mouthfuls. There was a very vocal group egging Don on to take more…and more.

By the time Don had had enough, he had a strange substance running down his chin…it was black….oh, it was all the ink that was on those 100’s of pages of the ACHA that he took so easily down his throat.

When the hot tub (hot pool?) party ended, the tub or pool or whatever you want to call it, was not so sparking clean….in it there was a mix of white (that was probably unknown body fluids) and black floating around on the top of the water (I think that was ink that flowed from the pages of the ACHA). A job for super strength Bleach i’m sure.

Wow, what a party, the next day some people were walking funny, with sore orifices.

Can’t wait to tell you about the next party they have at the White House, Lower Level 24, room 7, in the brand new Hot Tub Room.

If you haven’t followed our stories yet, they start way back here:

Upvote…Comment…Resteem…. Any or all appreciated, so thanks in advance. 👍 Dons’ Bathrobes.

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Image Credit: Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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