in trump •  6 years ago 

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BY all accounts TRUMP had a very good relationship with black AMERICA prior to his presidency he has been photographed with all notable black entertainers , athletes and political leaders all of whom welcomed his presence , attention and support he has also been featured in many of rap songs that praised his style, wealth and taste , so what happened how was Trump transformed into this fire breathing racist virtually overnight and became the most hated man in black AMERICA.


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Jesse and Trump enjoyed a long and close relationship from which Jesse benefited greatly not only did Trump contribute to Jesse's organizations OPERATION PUSH & RAINBOW COALITION he donated heavily to both of Jesse's presidential campaigns [84-88] with money and material, Jesse said at the time "Trump created a comfort zone for people when I ran for the presidency and although many others thought it was something laughable or something to avoid ,he came to our business meetings here in NEW YORK because he has this sense of curious and the will to make things better".
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Years later when Jesse merged his two organizations and announced his 'OPEN UP THE WALLS ON WALL ST ' program to in Jesse's words cajole, persuade and pressure American companies to hire and promote more blacks and name more blacks to their corporate boards and also do more business in the black community.
Jesse said "We insist that corporations stop the formula of targeting us for consumption and then boycotting us, we don't want to be boycott partners we want to be trading partners" and again Trump came to the aid of his friend by donating free office space in his newly renovated Trump tower right on WALL st where Jesse could do the most damage and get the best results and in doing so Trump made a lot of people nervous.https://www.nytimes.com/1997/01/16/business/jesse-jackson-sets-up-office-to-monitor-corporate-action.html

OF course Jesse and his organization gave Trump a extended standing ovation upon the announcement of his generous gift because it was obviously something they could never afford and Trump simply said, "Jesse and I have become good friends over the years and he's out there pushing for a lot of good things".

Trump and Jesse worked on other projects in the following years and Jesse bestowed more praise and awards upon Trump for his work in the inner cities but the political winds changed when Trump won the presidency and Jesse had to choose a side and without reason or warning Jesse turned on his old friend.



Like other black personalities Oprah has had a long and intimate relationship with Trump they know each other very well, Oprah has visited his home at MAR A LAGO met his family and the two have been seen together at many events and functions and Trump was one of the first prominent guest on her T.V. show and it was also rumoured that Oprah had a schoolgirl crush on Trump.

Trump equally admired Oprah and he said so publicly in a 1999 interview on the LARRY KING show when discussing having Oprah as his running mate in his first presidential campaign when he was running under the banner of the reform party, Trump said " Oprah, I love Oprah she would be my first choice" and when KING asked him to explain himself Trump said ,' she'd be fantastic ,I mean she's popular she's brilliant she's a wonderful woman I'd think we would win easily".https://blavity.com/back-in-the-day-president-trump-wanted-oprah-as-his-vice-president


Like the other black leaders and personalities everything changed once Trump ascended to the presidency and the country was politically split in two she had to choose a side and it wasn't unnoticed by Trump whom she chose he recently commented on Oprah while campaigning in Georgia " Oprah was a friend of mine until I ran for office , once I ran for office she diverged we had a good relationship I like Oprah".



AL was introduced to Trump by the boxing promoter Don King who also enjoyed a long and lucrative business relationship with Trump at the time , Trump had become a casino owner and needed King because he virtually controlled professional boxing , King had both champions and all top 10 contenders under contract along with his musical acts he and Trump got along great , King said "We did business together and we revolutionized Atlantic City bringing in the biggest events that can be put forth " he also recalls how Trump would fly him in on a helicopter to negotiate deals that were done on a handshake.

King decided to introduce his longtime friend to Trump by saying " I wanted Sharpton to meet this guy because he was a giant in the business community and a giant in the human community" King say's he thought highly of Trump then just as he does now and he thought Sharpton needed some white allies, Kings says " Trump was a white ally and he was one with distinction and renown in the business world".

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Trump wasn't naive about the situation he knew Sharpton and his past but accepted him in a package deal with King who was a friend and his business partner , Trump spoke of AL " I know Sharpton very well and I've always gotten along with him to be honest with you....AL's a con man , he knows it , I know it Don King knows his friend who I go to the fights with - AL they all know it".

Depending on the report you read Trump donate anywhere between $20 and $ 150 thousand to AL's first organization 'NATIONAL YOUTH MOVEMENT' however AL denies everything, AL say's "I never received any financial support from Trump and that he was never a middleman between him and King" I don't think we were close".

King sums up the Sharpton/Trump relationship by saying this " I don't know that Trump became a ally and the mere fact that he'd been seen in photographs with Sharpton , that's more than money and to give money whatever that may have been would have been icing on the cake".


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THE black /JEW coalition proceeds the DR. KING / RABBI HESCHEL 60s civil rights marches by decades it actually began with the founding of the NAACP that was funded by the JEWISH philanthropist Jacob Schiff and the alliance continues to this day, when Trump defeated the powerful Jewish establishment and removed them from the white house they immediately started planning on how to stop Trump and regain power, [Sharpton] saw this as a opportunity and offered his services for a fee of course.

Sharpton reached out to the Jewish journal HARRETZ and wrote an op - ed titled ' ONLY A UNIFIED JEWISH- AFRICAN AMERICAN COALITION CAN DEFEAT HATE IN U.S. , AL wrote " Historically the African American community and the Jewish community have fought for each other and against racism and anti semitism in all forms" https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/only-unified-jewish-black-coalition-can-defeat-hate-1.5446859 AL knew the JEWS would need foot soldiers in their upcoming war against Trump.

AL also approached ISRAEL JEWS when he met with the ISRAELI counsel general ALON PINSKY which was the first meeting between AL and a ISRAELI representative, PINSKY said "ITS my duty to hear what he has to say and whether there's any point in having a dialogue with him" it was also reported that AL wished to be invited to ISRAEL and had met secretly with the 'COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS OF JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS'. https://www.haaretz.com/1.5387411

When Trump said " I have a good relationship with the blacks and have always had a good relationship with the blacks" I'm sure he actually believed this to be true but what he didn't know was his adversaries have almost complete control of the blacks and could not only get them to abandon him but to weaponize them against him and even at his age and stature this has to be a harsh lesson for Trump because he may have a lifetime of knowledge and know a lot but there was no way for him to know that his black friends would betray him.


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