Stuff that should be obvious to everyone right now.

in trump •  7 years ago 
  1. If you want to run for office, don't have an affair.

  2. If you have already had an affair, don't run for office.

  3. If you have an affair and run for office anyway, expect the public to find out about it. They might forgive you, but don't expect it to stay secret. If you try to pay people off or threaten them, expect the public to find out about that too.

  4. It's a good idea to consult with a lawyer before running for President and have a private conversation about the things that might come out in the open.

  5. A good lawyer is like a good doctor. A good doctor will advise you to stop smoking. If you keep smoking anyway, that's not the doctor's fault. A good doctor still won't write you perscriptions for medications that you don't need. A good lawyer will advise you to obey the law and not talk openly about the times that you are alleged to have broken the law. You might ignore this advice, but that's not the lawyer's fault. A good lawyer still won't break the law on your behalf or in your presence. Good doctors and good lawyers will give good advice whether you follow it or not. A bad lawyer will tell you the things that you want to hear.

  6. Michael Cohen is not a good lawyer. He makes Saul Goodman look like Perry Mason. For better or for worse, Trump has finally acknowledged this. Trump spends way more time around lawyers than most Americans, so you would think he was a connoisseur of lawyers by now. And yet it took him ten years to realize that Cohen was a crook.

  7. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been investigated by the FBI. Not saying that either is innocent or guilty, but Hillary seems to handle it better due to her own legal training.

  8. Just because OJ Simpson got set free doesn't mean all the other murderers get to go free as well. Just because all past crooked presidents have not been legally held accountable doesn't mean all future presidents shouldn't be held accountable either.

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