in trump •  8 years ago 

President Trump has looked increasingly weak since his first week in office. Although surrounded by Democrat-Republican politicians who are absolutely connected to the Deep State, Donald Trump has tried to "make nice." He tried to be a "team player" when the legislator-joke, Paul Ryan, rolled out his ill-considered alternative to Obamacare. What makes Ryan so contemptible is the fact that he had seven years to develop a sound alternative; alas, Paul Ryan is more interested in his personal physical fitness than the health & fitness of the American people. Trump has spent two or three weeks schmoozing politicians to pass Ryan's weak echo of Obamacare, which Trump himself viewed as a bad deal.

Trump's White House appears to be a sieve in regard to keeping executive office secrets. Even Trump must suspect the White House was left by Obama with a thousand bugs cleverly positioned. He needs a head-banging staff leader who is loyal to him and to America. He needs Sheriff Joseph Arpaio and his investigator, Mike Zullo, to come to Washington and take administrative control, getting rid of weak-links and tightening the helm of the Ship of State. Maybe Sheriff Clarke might also be brought into the White House. What is needed first of all is not political pedigree but commitment to Trump and America. Trump faces powerful criminals literally everywhere in Washington D.C., as well as in the major states of the Union.

Each day, the White House should release to "All Interested Parties" the main focus of Trump's White House that day. It might be an "end of day" release. President Trump need not bother with raucous news meetings with the press, as they overwhelmingly work for criminal enterprises and agendas.

President Trump's effort to create a cooperative "soft landing" for the economy has been sabotaged by the Deep State opposition. Trump's weakness and conciliatory approach to establishment Republicans and Democrats, whether they were on The Hill or upper staff levels of cabinet departments and agencies, worsened his position. Where massive crimes were committed by various branches of the Deep States ($11T "missing from DOD, et al), the corrupt Director of the FBI, James Comey, doggedly investigated the "Trump-Russian Connection," while Deep State MSM wrung their collective hands about "the Russian threat to our democracy."

Now, corrupt politicians on The Hill have been sending up trial balloons about possibly impeaching Donald Trump. It's like hearing Vito Genovese denouncing heinous crimes in high places. Is this "Looking-Glass America?"

Given that President Donald Trump is surrounded by powerful enemies and at the very same time that his country is threatened with collapse, what rational steps should he take? Perhaps he should glance at history.

"Who was our friend when the world was our foe." [Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1871)
As President Abraham Lincoln worried about finding the right general to command his Union Army against the Southern secessionists, operating as the Confederate States of America, he had notable separate problems. New York banks demanded high interest for moneys loaned to the Union forces to fight their war. The British had attempted a number of schemes to recolonize America, including two wars and two central banks. Now, Britain and France were openly favorable to the CSA side, which offered Abe Lincoln still another great worry. While he was confident that the Union would prevail against the Southern Secession, he was not sure that it could prevail against Great Britain, France and the CSA.

It so happened that in Czarist Russia that Czar Alexander II liberated some 22-24 million serfs in 1861. It also seemed that he was a liberal man by temperament, at least as czars go, and had a general sympathy for Abe Lincoln and America. Russia was also somewhat at odds with Great Britain, which additionally disposed him to the United States. There were communications diplomatically between America and Russia, and I am sure considerable interest in trade.

Therefore, when the U.S.A. fell under a threat from Great Britain and France during the Civil War, Czar Alexander II intervened, sending two fleets of warships, one to the American west coast and the other to the east coast, and when he made other unmistakable signs that Russia would side with America, it cause the British and French regimes to reconsider their level of involvement.

President Trump has, I believe, a friend in Vladimir Putin, waiting to be tapped. Trump has been very remote in his relationship with Putin, probably to appease the Deep State establishment, who have been trying to frame Putin & Russia as dangerous villains. It is time for Trump to wave aside the critics and invite Putin to America on a State visit - but also to introduce him as an engaging human. They should preempt television on all stations for three nights for one hour to allow America to meet him. They are bound to say "He's not a monster!"

In such meetings Trump should have prior negotiations which would allow Putin to state that so long as Donald Trump is president of the United States of America, America would have a friend in the Republic of Russia. As with Abraham Lincoln and Czar Alexander II, so with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

Putin and Russia cannot save the United States from an economic collapse; but Putin can help the U.S. from slipping into a third world nation. We will have to emerge from a second tier country after the global crash. With Putin, Xin, and Trump working together on the New Silk Road "Win-Win" strategy, we will emerge a strong nation again.

If, however, the Deep State successfully hamstrings Trump, its operatives will surely engineer war with Russia-Iran to cover-up the economic disaster which their criminal activities made possibly.

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