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funny as hell compilations. i needed those laughs.
those hands aren't tiny. those hands are YUGE! i've been looking for more libtards crying and moving to canada vids. i haven't found any for today, yet.

dan pooped himself again, and mistook it for genius, so he posted it. it was a really long poop, which amounted to, appeal to popularity + blockchain = facts.

i keep hoping he'll figure it out, but it doesn't look good.

I seen it I couldn't even read it tbh. I scaned through and laughed to myself then left a comment that said "I only upvoted for the lulz".

Its pathetic at this point imo. I don't even want to reply or comment to it as he has flagged my comments pointing out his mentality before.

Democracy doesn't work in mental instuitations. just because all the idiots claim something is real does not make it so.

i tried to convince someone in the comments that gravity doesn't care about feelz. he was having none of it.

Im at a loss for words from that comment.
I was reading the idiots in the comments of dans post you were trying to talk to and I couldn't even reply to the level of stupid they were talking. I was happy you were at least trying cause all I could do is make the face my avatar is making. the whole no objective reality bullshit just makes me think they have mental disorders or a brain slug or something.

there really is a societal move toward heavy relativist indoctrination. moral relativism is the root of all the mind cancers. feminism, multiculturalism, fake newsism, if you don't stand for something, reason, you'll fall for anything.

here's a for instance. this is kyriacos trying to use appeal to tradition to justify pedophilia in a historical context.

personally, i know what this creates, historically, and i'm not falling for it.

At this point I think he is just trying to be an edgelord.
I just don't understand the upvotes and payouts he gets.

100% Lulz on the libtards...