Trump Art, The Interwebs Have Spoken [NSFW-ish]

in trump •  8 years ago  (edited)

Art needs a muse, either of beauty or ugliness, love or hate. Take your pick. Usually people think about a muse in a pleasure-inducing way. Trump has become the muse of disgust on a global scale. Humour usually arises out of tragedy, and Trump is the current tragedy for the majority of people on the planet.

The narcissistically disordered mind of Trump continues to be a fantastic subject for artists around the world.

From his foppish, orangutan hair, to his miniature-sized poodle hands to his giant hot air balloon-sized ego, it almost seems that Trump is a parody of himself, instead of being a real person who thinks, reflects and reveals his true nature over time.

No one really knows what he stands for since he himself probably doesn’t even know. Narcissists are usually characterized by their similarities to never-ending black holes. Trump is no exception. Anyone who has ever been involved with a narcissist knows this eerie truth. Addiction to attention is Trump’s modus operandi and his ability to manipulate others is his crowning jewel. Artists around the world are having their heyday, so let’s revel in the circus-inspired grotesquerie of Trump-land art.

From the private collection of Robert Rosenheck comes this Borat-inspired gem:


Image Source: Huffington Post

Artist Andrew Kong Knight had a different idea of how to express his dislike of Trump in the form of real bull manure.


Image Source: Andrew Kong Knight

He had this to say about his Trump art:

"The bull manure coming out of Trump's mouth represents the hate, bullying and lies that Trump is spewing through his words and actions across our country and into the rest of our world.

I've done hundreds of portraits, but this one is indeed the ugliest one I've ever created, it's a reaction to what I've seen and felt over the last few months.

It was one of the toughest projects I've worked on since I had to stare in the face of hate and ignorance the whole time and also collect actual (expletive) to use in the piece." -Andrew Knight

This one is fascinating and comes from but I couldn’t find the artist’s name anywhere.


Image Source:

Mark Bryan brings us this circus-filled painting that sums up exactly how I felt when viewing videos of Trump’s campaign rallies:


Image Source: Mark Bryan

And from Africa, we get this painting from Zapiro, a regular contributor to the South African Mail & Guardian newspaper:


Image Source: IBT Zapiro

Now you can even buy your own Trump blow-up doll made by Syrian artist Saint Hoax:

Image Source: Huffington Post

According to the creator, Saint Hoax:

“People can fill him up with air and deflate him at any minute,” he wrote. “It’s a symbolic representation of how a political leader is made. Each box includes a Trump doll and a needle for you to pop him whenever you feel like it.”

The Syrian artist who created the satirical doll will donate all proceeds to help Syrian refugees. Original article on Huffington Post

Let’s now move to Norway, and more specifically, let’s go to the baby room:


Image Source: Christian Bloom

And to end this post, I’ll share one of my own Trump art images that I created way back in 2015 when I thought the idea of a Trump victory was just a bad dream and couldn’t ever end up as reality:


Image Source: @stellabelle

As a side note, if you didn't know Trump's history as a child, you'll be interested to know that Trump was a bully and frequently beat up other kids. His parents didn't really know how to handle such a violent child, and they sent him away to a military boarding school at age 13:

"Yet Donald also learned that comfort and security could be fleeting if his grades and behavior were poor. When Donald was 13, his father abruptly sent him to a military boarding school, where instructors struck him if he misbehaved and the requirements included daily inspections and strict ­curfews.

At the military academy where he attended high school, Donny grew taller, more muscular and tougher. Struck with a broomstick during a fight, he tried to push a fellow cadet out a second-floor window, only to be thwarted when two other students intervened.

He was essentially banished from the family home,” said his biographer, Michael D’Antonio. “He hadn’t known anything but living with his family in a luxurious setting, and all of a sudden he’s sent away. That’s a rough way to start out in life.” -Washington Post

In order to avoid the potential for any copyright infringement, I’ve declined payout for this post. Even though I’ve cited all the sources for the images, it’s a grey area that even I don’t know how to deal with exactly. Because I didn’t write to each of the artists and get their permission to post their artwork, I’m going to avoid any conflict by declining payout on this one. If you have any info regarding this matter, please comment below.


Stellabelle is my pen name. I self-published my first book, Un-Crap Your Life: Navigating Life’s Crappiest Situations on Amazon in 2015. In 2016 I co-authored Steemit 101.

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I am not here to defend Trump but I will say all this art work does not portray "The Movement" in accurate light. Media was the ones spreading the lies and hate. Trump and Brexit is a Global Movement away from the center.

I've seen so many hilarious drawings and spoof (and real!) photos of good thing is that he is definitely inspiring humor!! I've even noticed that the NPR news quiz show Wait Wait Don't Tell Me has been much funnier since the election.

He's prime material for cartoonists. I'm just not sure how many laughs the world will get on the next few years

The thing that really freaks me out are the nuclear codes........

He needs some really good handlers to keep him under control. I see he's already upsetting other countries. He needs to learn that diplomacy is different to business

yeah, he's really good at making others upset.

He will be bad in other ways, but in terms of the nuclear codes, he's far safer than Clinton.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

O.o my ribs...haha.....He looks so fabulous!

yes, fanfuckingtabulous.

I must say the art is pretty acurate! Followed !

Wow you tainted my eyes and appetite on Monday morning lol

the Borat one? I'd never seen that until I started doing random google image searches!

Can't believe you missed the images of his face on the queen, those are pretty priceless.

Yikes!!! My retinas! I can never "un-see" the Borat one or the Syrian blow-up doll. LOL

I know! I tried to visit that website, and it doesn't exist now! I bet the artist thought Trump would try to sue him!

You are probably right. Unfortunately. I'm not a fan of censorship and a lawsuit is one of the quickest ways to silence someone's opinion.

Thanks for the regurgitation moment!


This image causes this image

lol that are some strange pictures, alright!

What a great post and very clever. Up-voted and following

Where are the Back to the Future Memes?

well, there was soooo much to choose from, and I just settled on paintings and non-meme art. you could probably post your own selections.

Of course. I just love the whole Biff thing.

which one are you thinking of?

I'm sure I saw a Back to the Future film image where someone had put Trump's head on a young Biff. It was really funny for some reason.

Trump in poopy diaper is perfect. And love your own 'glam' pic.
What's really frightening is that this sh*tmess is 'in charge'. I'm frightened Aunty Em. I'm frightened.