All politicians are puppets, you can't get to this level without one or more factions having some leverage about something in their past.
Trump is in fight for his life with the left openly calling for his assassination, he has to walk a tight rope if he wants he and his family to survive, the Gnostic and Satanic Illuminati have their strings tangled trying to control him.
The Gnostic Illuminati symbol is the Goddess Lux-Sophia (Lucifer) holding aloft the torch of enlightenment. The Satanic Illuminatti symbol is the staked snake (dollar symbol) and their death match for control of the planet is reaching its final countdown.
When either side makes a move there is a lot of collateral damage to the clueless vaccinated and fluoridated sheeple.
Las Vegas Harvest blood sacrifice just another in the long line of attempts to stampede the herd by an insane/sociopathic but highly intelligent elite that control the world money supply.
The coming CONUS EMP attack will make the Las Vegas event look like a traffic accident.
Preppers activate your system failure plans now, but without fear for it is always darkest just before the dawn.