so now you want to mess with german energy supply to impose your gmo food mr trump?

in trump •  6 years ago 

this is going to be interesting.

at least, I salute the courage to have said what you think.

the question isn't if it is right, but what else can be done?

nuke plants gonna blow sooner or later, so where to get this energy?

you know Germany is cold in winter...

the sad part is that the lackey of corrupt D.C. those who did 9.11 cover up, will have to be wiped from the usa and the world for peace to have a chance...

because how to trust the usa? with jeffrey epstein, bill and all their friends free to rape... it seems that russia or even further the Shanghai alliance has better practice and behaviors in this regard.

but who cares, as your salaries and pensions depend on you NOT understanding that.

nail albright on a tree, let her dry and die, then we can speak about "energy"...

the arrogance of corrupt and treasonous america on the american people, allied people and enemies is limitless...

show us a little mtv, and all will be forgotten you believe? will see...

140$ for a fbi head, and you want to tell where germany will have it's energy? you really believe that it works like this? a gmo dumbed down cancerizing enlsaved indebted and raped population want to inflict more pain on germany...

what a surprise...

the real question is which part of the D.C. swamp will be wiped first, the periphery agents or the source?

and ps : how much money does soltenberg makes? where are his children going to school? what is his pension?

ohhh and maybe mr trump want to make abortion illegal in germany too, to please his "conservative" allies? who are they? those who pretend to be christians but love to jail people for plants of god creation? or maybe jail a woman who doesn't want a baby in her?

anyway... waiting for the next hunter bidden of this admin... it's the only way to "speak" with the D.C. Swamp, giving them their dead children.

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