Tantrum over - Trump is right on the middle east... leave now, he is the CiC, don't like him, vote him out, that's respecting the Constitution

in trump •  5 years ago 

it's simple. he is the CiC, and Potus. He has an objective, get out of the quick sand. So be it.

  1. it's always easier to return, or to wipe anything threatening with less presences...
  2. the kurds don't plan to join the united states of america, it's not the job of the dod to defend or create land for foreigners.
  3. a war against turkey, iran, syria, irak for the kurds? a little bit expensive.
  4. the kurdish issue is a perfect case for the "international benevolent, smart, educated and wise community", to show them who they are beyond their slick rethoric, this is multilateralism, kurds are stateless.
  5. how to defeat iran, turkey, syria and irak and have a safe kurdistan? even defeated they will wage asymetrical war for ever.
  6. endless war, too much hate, they don't want to live in peace, so better leave them at it.
  7. and to station troops (time zone - proximity), there is always israel... and if it's a question of space to locate, don't worry, leveled it will be.
  8. and I return to he is the CiC and Potus, it's the duty to follow the chain of command, he is clear, argumented and it is his right...

again don't like the cic potus concept or the guy, vote, change it, be now it is.

and his point with turkey is clear... change it.

but this double standard of weakness and treachery and debauchery so prevaland is not possible anymore... no will to fight the worldwide childrapists but resistance to follow orders to leave?

what's so complicated? pack, take off, bomb (flatten), bye.

and always ready to return, or bomb from the sky....

what is sad is that right now the kurds wanted pax americana, too bad, that's not constitutional.

there are only 2 options, you ask to join the union or you don't.

the rest, is flaps in the winds.

and even if I despise and profoundly hate this admin (and state in general) regarding certain issue like the handling of pedogate or gmos, it's very courageous what trump is doing regarding toward the middle east.

and finally, I great congratulations to the job done in the "syrian" kurdistan, it was splendid. specially revealed seeing the people flee yesterday in the night with the traffic...

that's what could have been possible, in a larger scale...

it was and still is a great plan (the kurdistan unified), but the potus doesn't want it.

and frankly, if those 4 nations were supported by pla / russians... the little bit costly, would have quickly become unbearable....

and after all it's that, as long as they want their vetos, as long as they don't want to improve the rights of the people accross the world, retreat and lethality building.

already the syrian (like @arabisouri) are finally starting to understand what it means to be a pawn of the kremlin...

they should have asked the polnish before being so "hot"...

and that's the vicious part, there can't be a winner there, as long as all the locals don't want to think rather than to wrap themselves in their ideologies and breed like mad...

WALL IT ! it being turkey... they are mad and merkel too happy to suck erdogan... she is still stuck in her german guilt to think clearly, and way to convince like putin of the superiorty of knowledge over belief...

good luck mama rape to make the jews and the muslims leave in peace... or stop the rapes... but who cares that's hate speech...

I may have a serious problem with the childrapists, but freedom of speech... I know you understand this last line... bad tradeoff... but when there is no other option...

because those euros are going mad, uk vs open source, the others against speech... and all against arms...

what they plan doesn't seem good...

and this total denial of reality...

turkey invading cyprus...

this is denial.

which will be the next istanbul? paris? london? berlin? stockholm?

but again, they are educated (they have the papers to attest it), wise, smart and rich...

a poor serf like me daring to disagree with those highness virtuous omniscient leaders... it's only madness.

hard to write but simple: join the union or die.

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