Trump Jr and the Russian

in trumpjr •  7 years ago 

Trump Jr. could have done a better job of his meeting with the Russians. He could have followed the Clinton example.

He should have had the RNC lawyers get involved- Ben Ginsberg of Jones Day is good. Give them 1 million dollars, called ‘legal fees’, just to throw off anybody who asks questions. Then get the lawyer to hire a firm to do ‘research’. Fusion should work, as Glenn Simpson has good contacts with people who have dirt of Clinton. Fusion has worked closely with lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who arraigned a meeting with Trump Jr, where she claims to have dirt on HRC to give, and at which she presses him on the repeal of the Magnitsky Act. Jr does not bite, and walks away from the meeting, calling it a waste of time. Veselnitskaya met with Fusion co-founder Glenn Simpson just before and after that meeting. Ves perhaps knows Papadopoulos, good buddy to a Prof Misfud, who knows someone who has some dirt on Clinton, contained in thousands of emails.

The conversation could go something like this:

Trump Jr.: Glenn, I need something I could use on the campaign. Something that hurts Clinton. Something that connects her with Putin and Russia.

Glenn Simpson: No problem. We have contacts who can get that for you. Remember those missing emails? The ones that were subpoenaed, but Crowdstrike bitbleached the day after the subpoena was given? Well, we know Boris, who has them.

TJ: How did Boris get those?

GS: Well, Boris has a 12 year old nephew, Sasha, in Tomsk, Siberia, who purloined an email Huma published on Yahoo which contained all the passwords! He sent that to his uncle, who scooped up all the stuff on Hillary’s basement server, including lots of classified and above stuff. This was before some of this material ended up near kiddy porn on Anthony Wieners laptop. Спасибо Huma!

JR: You speak Russian?

GS: Nyet. Never been there. Anyway, we could include same stuff in the research document which connects Clinton associates to the Kremlin too. Like Bill Clinton, who got a speaking fee 10X normal (500,000$) for a 45 minute speech, hosted by the bank which financed the Rosatom deal, which bought out Uranium One and acquired a chunk of US uranium supply. BC then was received by Putin and personally thanked. Cool, right?

JR: OK. Sounds good. How about we find something salacious on Clinton to put in the doc?

GS: No problem. We could mention HRC and BC's many trips on convicted pedophile Epstein’s ‘Lolita express’. We could add some spice!

JR: Alright. But listen, if anybody asks about this, we have to keep quiet about my involvement…

GS: No problem. I will simply plead the 5th. I do it all the time!

JR. We will pay a million buck for this. When could it be ready?

GS: Tomorrow.

JR: What? How could you write this so quickly?

GS: It is already written. We knew you would need it.

JR: How could you possibly know that? I was just talking about it with my Dad in the bedroom about this a week ago!

GS: American intelligence does have a leak problem you know. Hey, listen, we will give you a little something extra. We know some folks in the FBI. We will get them to look this over and say that it looks legit. Nice doing business with you!

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