Over the last few days, Trump made a twitter that has set people on fire. He alluded to the fact the four newest members of congresswomen who have non-white origins should go back to their home country. Well let's look at the ladies he is talking about:
Alexandria O. Cortez. She was born in raised in NYC as was Trump. Granted he was in Manhattan and she is from Queens.
Ayanna S. Pressley. She is from Ohio where, again, she was born and raised.
Rashida Tlaib. She was born and raised in Dearborn Michigan just outside of Detroit. So far we have three American citizens. Even though Alexandria's parents moved to NYC from Puerto Rico, they are still American citizens. Since all three of the ladies are American born citizens, this is their home country.
This leaves the only congress lady who is a naturalized citizen and the only one to dare to question the power lobbyist have in our country. Ilhan Omar, she is originally from Semolia where this government plus another which will remain unnamed, has caused so much violence.
At the time this tweet was unleashed, a lot of people where being identified as clients of Jeffery Epstein. These folks are part of the oligarchy power structure. There is no telling how far up this could go if it's allowed to. I say this because I do suspect it will be tabled until the oligarchs need it in the headlines again.
Also, the UAE had a tanker which ran into mechanical problems in the Hormuz Streight off of Iran. When Iran noticed they were having problems Iran offered to help them. The tanker excepted help from Iran. All of a sudden it was "missing" from radar. It was never missing. While this was happening, Pompeo, Bolton, and Trump couldn't have us knowing that Iran was assisting the tanker no could they have us knowing how far up the oligarch ladder the pedophile power Epstein connections go.