Commander in Chief Trump and the Jab. Why in support? What are Optics. Are you viewing all through the lens of Irregular Warfare at it's finest? What have they demonstrated they will do if he is misaligned with their agenda?

in trumpvaccine •  4 years ago  (edited)

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The Art of War Sun Tzu

Remember. . .
Disinfo is necessary
Are we at War? [Irregular Warfare?]

What would happen if CC Trump were vocal about his true feelings?

Another post on this here,

What happened in April of 2020?
There was a PsyPost from April 3, 2020 which stated. ..

"New study finds Trump’s tweets intensify anti-vaccine attitudes among his supporters"

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In that article they state the following...

New research has found that Americans who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 are particularly prone to anti-vaccination attitudes and that these attitudes can be exacerbated by the president’s tweets. The findings have been published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Note here in that Journal of Experimental Social Psychology what they tried to do then,

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You can see what is going on here,

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Donald Trump is the first U.S. President to be on the record as having anti-vaccination attitudes. Given his enormous reach and influence, it is worthwhile examining the extent to which allegiance to Trump is associated with the public's perceptions of vaccine safety and efficacy. In both Study 1 (N = 518) and Study 2 (N = 316), Trump voters were significantly more concerned about vaccines than other Americans. This tendency was reduced to non-significance after controlling for conspiracist ideation (i.e., general willingness to believe conspiracy theories) and, to a lesser degree, political conservatism.

In Study 2, participants were later exposed to real Trump tweets that either focused on his anti-vaccination views, or focused on golf (the control condition). Compared to when the same respondents were sampled a week earlier, there was a significant increase in vaccine concern, but only among Trump voters who were exposed to the anti-vaccination tweets. The effects were exclusively negative: there was no evidence that anti-vaccination Trump tweets polarized liberal voters into becoming more pro-vaccination. In line with the social identity model of leadership, Study 2 indicates that some leaders do not simply represent the attitudes and opinions of the group, but can also change group members' opinions.

So you see the gig?
What do they [those trying to persuade the herd and those who have Cognitive Dissonance] Always call something they don't want to Think about? Something in which they have been programmed to close their minds to, put on blinders?

The phrase was coined back when the CI_ needed to Shut Down anyone questioning the Warren Commission's Narrative on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

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Check it out if not familiar. . .

CIA Memo 1967: CIA Coined & Weaponized The Label "Conspiracy Theory"

Is it any wonder they conspired to have him removed?
Remember what JFK Clearly Stated!

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SO just consider this. . .

Check out No. 4 and 5 in the Above Article!

  1. The CIA recruited top American journalists to spread propaganda in the media and gather intelligence.
  1. The CIA conducted “mind control” experiments on unwitting US and Canadian citizens, some of which were lethal.

Check this tweet out from March of 2014. . .so Well before he was President and their Trump Derrangement Syndrome became Full Blown. . .

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From April of 2019 in People

In a brief tweet on Tuesday, President Donald Trump marked the annual World Autism Awareness Day, sharing an article with information about its history and importance.

It wasn’t the first time the president has tweeted about autism, but in the past he has more often shared conspiratorial claims about autism being linked to vaccines.

You can see what they are MOST concerned about here.
What is Always their angle?

Did you know that the Judge Kavanaugh accuser,
Did certain "psychological" studies also?

You can skim this article if not familiar,
Christine Blasey works at Stanford where she researched an abortion drug for the company she works for and produces drug, Covers more Stanford research Projects

Check it out.
They Love their psychoanalytical talk because they get to put a Label on it and feel they have Clout through "academia" which all followers and those who Admire the System put a Premium on.

For example...

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From around 2003
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Never forget satan and the globalist cabal that serve him play the LONG game.

What do we see happening Now in society and how are they able to wield their power?
Through Education, the school system, get at children when they are young and minds are pliable perhaps?

This is what fragile x syndrome is,
Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder. Symptoms often include mild to moderate intellectual disability. Physical features may include a long and narrow face, large ears, flexible fingers, and large testicles. About a third of those affected have features of autism such as problems with social interactions and delayed speech.

This one also,
[note 3 years ago she had not uploaded this paper, but it could be requested, I haven't checked back to see if it is uploaded and available without request, but the title should tell you All you need to Know].

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Here is the abstract,

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This is what fragile x syndrome is,
Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder. Symptoms often include mild to moderate intellectual disability. Physical features may include a long and narrow face, large ears, flexible fingers, and large testicles. About a third of those affected have features of autism such as problems with social interactions and delayed speech.

This one also

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Here is an abstract

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I have to say, I do find this one written in the Journal of Neural Transmissions in 2012 quite interesting.

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I would say that this is Most helpful in aiding both She and her husband, who have both worked for the pharmaceutical industry or at least aided them with her findings!

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Psychopharmacology is the study of the use of medications in treating mental disorders. The complexity of this field requires continuous study in order to keep current with new advances. Psychopharmacologists need to understand all the clinically relevant principles of pharmacokinetics (what the body does to medication) and pharmacodynamics (what the medications do to the body). This includes an understanding of:

And a government page in Bethesda, MD puts it this way,

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Not sure what to say here,

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Just interesting if she truly is connected to Deak,

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This is very interesting considering what we know about Certain Practices,

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In light of research done concerning autism and autism spectrum disorder. . .

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Fragile X Syndrome is a genetic disorder. Symptoms often include mild to moderate intellectual disability. Physical features may include a long and narrow face, large ears, flexible fingers, and large testicles. About a third of those affected have features of autism such as problems with social interactions and delayed speech. Hyperactivity is common and seizures occur in about 10%. Males are usually more affected than females.

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Interesting because this book is also out there

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Part of the intro is;

The election and postelection policies of Donald Trump have seeped into the psychotherapy sessions of many clients, in ways that are somewhat unique but also somewhat reminiscent of the ways that other dramatic social–political events, including 9/11 and the social divisions that were characteristic of the 1960s, were brought into the treatment room.

seven papers from practicing psychotherapists, one from an executive coach, and one empirical paper—suggest strongly that the political events surrounding the election of 2016 have become a significant part of psychotherapeutic discourse for many clients, that many therapists have been willing participants in such discussions, and that a focus on political issues (broadly speaking) can have important clinical benefits. . .Translat*ed *Big $ for therapists, those in the field of psychoanalysis and psychology.

She is heavily focused on Mifepristone.

Interesting how it came about and Who endorses it considering it to be Essential Medicine. . Guess who, the World Health Organization. . Now what would They have to gain from That do you suppose?

also known as RU-486, is a medication typically used in combination with misoprostol, to bring about an abortion. This combination is more than 95% effective during the first 50 days of pregnancy. It is also effective in the second trimester of pregnancy. Effectiveness should be verified two weeks after use. It is taken by mouth.

Common side effects include abdominal pain, feeling tired, and vaginal bleeding. Serious side effects may include heavy vaginal bleeding, bacterial infection, and a malformed baby if the pregnancy does not end. If used, appropriate follow up care needs to be available. Mifepristone is an antiprogestogen and works by blocking the effects of progesterone and causing contractions of the uterus.

Mifepristone was developed in 1980 and came into use in France in 1987. It became available in the United States in 2000. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. Mifepristone was approved by Health Canada in 2015 and became available in Canada in January 2017. Cost and availability limits access in many parts of the developing world. In the United States it costs more than $200 a dose.

More pushing of this drug,

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Russ Ford worked for a company called Zosano Pharma. He gave his title as “Sr Director, System Design and Development.”

As reported by

This recently released,

FREMONT, Calif., Sept. 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zosano Pharma Corporation (NASDAQ:ZSAN) (“Zosano” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on providing rapid systemic administration of therapeutics to patients using its proprietary Adhesive Dermally-Applied Microneedle (“ADAM™”) technology, today announced the release of three registration batches of M207, the Company’s lead development candidate.

M207 is our proprietary formulation of zolmitriptan delivered utilizing Zosano's proprietary ADAM technology. Zosano's ADAM technology consists of titanium microprojections (microneedles) coated with drug, and in the case of M207, our formulation of zolmitriptan. The drug-coated microneedles penetrate into the epidermis and dermis, where the drug is dissolved and enters into the bloodstream.

BTW, Stanford is Also Dianne Feinstein's alma matter. She graduated from Stanford with a Bachelor of Arts in History in 1955.

According to Stream and various other sources,

John Zmirak
Supporters of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s vague and unsubstantiated charges, based on hazy memories, against SCOTUS pick Brett Kavanaugh have their mantras. One of them is “Women don’t lie!”

We should answer: “Ever heard of Asia Argento? How about Tawana Brawley? Those white Southern women who sent innocent black men to the gallows under Jim Crow?” The reply, of course, will be … crickets.

Their next, slightly subtler slogan is, “Why would she lie?” In other words, why turn her life upside down, and be subject to the same of kind of appalling death threats to which the Kavanaugh family now is subject?

One sane answer is: To control a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Candidates for office routinely lie to get a whole lot less. Zealots on single issues, such as abortion, sometimes kill people. What makes us sure that Ford isn’t such a zealot, maybe a real rape victim recruited to blame the wrong guy, for the Cause?

Anyway, he deserves it, as a privileged white male who might, just might, endanger “women’s reproductive health care access”? (That is, abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy.)

Follow the Money
But here’s an even more direct reason why Ford might be blaming the wrong guy for what happened to her: She has profited from an abortion drug. That’s right. As Natural News has reported, Ford

works for a pharmaceutical company that manufacturers an abortion pill drug, whose profits could be strongly impacted by future Supreme Court decisions on abortion rights.

Corcept Therapeutics ( manufacturers and markets an abortion pill drug called mifepristone, and Christine > Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by the pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills. You can see Blasey’s name listed on several publications at this web page detailing their research papers.

Corcept Therapeutics, Inc., a $166 billion market cap company (stock symbol CORT) reportedly has current annual sales of $216 million. The company offers just one drug, mifepristone, which is widely known as an “abortion pill” or RU-486.

The San Francisco Chronicle states,

Outside of academia, she does consulting for pharmaceutical firms, helping design clinical trials. According to her faculty biography in a course catalog, she worked as director of biostatistics for Corcept Therapeutics in Menlo Park.

So the very same company who manufactures mifepristone and would have a great deal to lose monetarily if Kavanaugh were elected to SCOTUS.

Progressives, many of which also have interests in pharmaceuticals and the abortion industry under the name of Planned Parenthood have a great deal to lose so they are pushing forward a story downplaying the fact that Blasey not only worked as a director for this company manufacturing mifepristone, but participaed in 8 published studies that researched multiple uses for this drug which is used and manufactured as an abortion pill.

In 5 of those studies, Blasey is listed as being affiliated with Corcept Therapeutics. Progressives attempt to deny this is not only a conflict of interest, but glaringly demonstrates a Political bias.

Christine Blasey Ford's father is Ralph Blasey II. He does work for Red Coats,

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Find out more including info on how to access the Christine Blasey Ford Abstracts here,

Evidence of what the enemy is doing to all Warriors out there and Watching you PERSEVERE!
Hebrews 12:1
King James Version
12 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

It is a Marathon and NOT a sprint.
The War is won in increments!

Never Ever, EVER give up!
You Are Soldiers in the most Important Irregular Warfare on the Time Construct!
Carry On Find Soldiers and thank you for being Persevering No Matter WHAT!

NEONI x FJØRA - Soldiers (lyric video)

See FB post on this here,

Sources/Connecting Articles/Reports

Documented by Justice dot gov,
a Harvard Professor who was Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University...

Facebook Frames
American Eugenics Society now known under another name, back in the day Mrs. E. H. Harriman established the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) at Cold Spring Harbor, the ERO eventually became part of the Department of Genetics.

Fort Detrick where Fauci worked History,
Facebook Frames on the Truth about the National Cancer Institute and the deep history of it's location at Fort Detrick (bioweapons Deep Dive) close to D.C. Hear this Med Researcher with a PhD tell the truth about Dr. Fauci, whom she has known and had worked with since the 1980's.

Open Philanthropy group that funded Event 201, and Who's Who connected to them, the Club and you're not In It!.

Is there something up with that? You decide. Flip through all the Frame photos to see the photos and stages of the Corona Satellites. . .fascinating and for Source links, evidence and footage for information.
Here is the original post as I cannot bring all of these screenshots and photos into here, but you can see them and more sources in this link.

Facebook Frames Who controls the information? Seriously WHO!

A Very Telling facebook frames with vetted evidence the media Hates to talk about,

Link for here where you can flip through and also see comments.

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