Trusting Your Instincts And First Impressions

in trusting •  2 years ago 

When you meet someone for the first time, you have a gut feeling. This is a sixth sense that arises when your neurons communicate with the brain. This feeling is completely personal and you may not be right. Following your instinct can lead you to the best decision, but there are times when reason and logic might be the right choice. When your gut is telling you that something is not right, it is wise to go with it.


Instincts are part of our unconscious thought process. They may appear as a gut feeling, or as a nagging feeling. Sometimes we "just know" something is wrong or that someone isn't trustworthy, or we "feel" like a certain decision is right from the get-go. In such situations, we feel comfortable and right instantly. But what if we don't trust our instincts?

Thankfully, there are several scientific studies to support the power of your intuition. Research has shown that those who exercise their intuition make better decisions. In one study, people who completed an online course on environment and self-awareness scored higher on their EI than those in a control group. While the results are mixed, it's clear that we should take care to pay attention and trust our gut feelings.

Despite how much information is available on first impressions, many people aren't aware of the nuances of the human body and facial expression. It's easy to fall prey to a false sense of security and trust. But the importance of body language and dress can't be understated. Even though many people believe that first impressions are important, they often have nothing to do with authenticity. Many con artists and scam artists use first impressions to gain your trust.

Your gut feels are your best guide in business. When you listen to your gut, you'll make better decisions and develop a greater rapport. Emotional intelligence is also beneficial in business and personal life. People with strong intuition have an innate awareness of what other people are feeling and what makes them tick. These qualities can help you make better decisions and improve your overall success. If you listen to your intuition, you'll be a more effective communicator and a more successful business person.

You might wonder why your gut tells you the way it does. Intuition is the way your subconscious mind communicates with your conscious mind. Intuition comes with a low voice that can be hard to ignore. But it is your highest and wisest self. When you listen to your intuition, you can make better decisions than you otherwise would. This can help you reconnect with your inner self and find the things you really want in life.

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