Energy Medicine & Spiritual Support from The Reiki Forest
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Vibe of the Day for May 9, 2017
Spirit says Open Your Heart ~ There is Beauty & Blessings all around You
Believe in Yourself, Now more than ever before. Trust your gut instincts, don't get caught up in the chatter of other people's opinions, paths or projections. You know in your heart which way to go ~ have the courage to do it.
We are all, yes - every one of us - swimming in a sea of Blessings every day ~ but it is up to each of us to notice and appreciate them. In doing so, we will begin to notice how our heart opens further. When this happens, the magic within us is activated. Everything is energy, and this shift in vibration and perception enables us to tune into and accept even more gifts from the Universe.
Are you ready to rock the Gratitude vibe?
Cards for the 'Vibe of the Day' readings are pulled from the Trust Your Vibes Oracle Card Deck by Sonia Choquette
As always, Thank You for BEING YOU!! & Keep Shining..Full STEEM ahead!!!
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It is Much Appreciated! Bright Blessings & Reiki LOVE!
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UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED This post (including all text, energy and images) are the Original Conscious Creations and property of April G. Newhall and The Reiki Forest. All Rights are reserved. Permission is granted to reprint this post in it's entirety onto your web site as long as you (i) use this post in it's entirety (ii) do not make any changes and (iii) provide a link back to the original source.