RE: Proof that the World is round not flat

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Proof that the World is round not flat

in truth •  8 years ago 

I'm just getting a little pissed off with all those hypnotized fool's who just don't get it. Iv just got into a blazing argument with my family showing absolute proof we are living on a flat plane. And all I got back with scoffs of laughter, NASA has shown us 100s of photos.

I'm only talking to people who know because I really can't be bothered talking about NASA here because it's a joke.

The problem is how hypnotized the general public are and what the hell are we gonna do to put it right.

I mean there's a part of me that says bollox to them leave them to be hypnotized.

But when somebody realizes the truth and it really sinks in they subconsciously operate differently because it raises so many other questions.

Like shit, if it's flat who made it?

So what's our point of being here?

Why are we fighting against each other?

I really do love it when somebody actually gets it in front of me, it is very rare. But then I know it was all worth it.
If I can just wake up just one more person I'll be happy.

Once they are getting dehypnotised you can try and explain the rest of the dream to them.

The dollar is going to crash your in a world of shit very soon. All currencies are gonna crash actually. And then all hell is going to break loose. I'm trying to keep this blog short so I'll leave that subject alone.

I'm not a religious person. Not that I have a problem with it except for the war and suicide bombers part of it.

The Elite don't want you to wake up, don't worry it will all be over very soon one way or another.

Together we are strong we are all One. wake up please love you all peace.

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I started reading your reply and stopped to go for a shit as it was more interesting than the paranoid weed induced drivel that you wrote ps love you xxx

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

But I don't get it all I get is abuse back. Ok smart ass prove to me I'm wrong then? I'm just doing this because somebody has to Ps don't give me a any of that NASA bullshit or I'll shoot you down with CGI. Pss nice one Trump gone to war you go ahead and believe in this shit. Psss love you

All the water would fall off?

WELL i'm waiting for a response to that

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

How can the water fall off its on a FLAT plane surrounded by a wall of ice.

No such thing as gravity thats a myth.

Not sure what your on about iv answered your question the world is flat get a grip!

lol it just gets better next you will say the moon is a flat surface not a sphere. Wall of ice lol this aint game of thrones douche bag x

If earth were flat, you would be able to see China.

If earth were flat, you couldn't leave the east coast of the USA towards Europe and eventually arrive on the west coast of the USA.

If the earth were flat, any interference with its spin would cause us to careen out of control, like a spinning penny on a tabletop.

Actually game of thrones was based on it. And the tru man show. The sun and moon are discs of equal size moving around the flat plane. But I can't prove any of this because I haven't got a space ship. But I can prove to you we are living on a flat plane, using high power laser and the level of the sea. We are living on a flat plane that is scientifically proven. X

cryptopher knows what he is talking about you just full of shit and weed bluntbellendo x