You'll See It When You Believe It (Seeing is not believing)

in truth •  7 years ago  (edited)

The last century of science has been dominated by a group that believe in a physical, mechanical universe.
Or, in other words, Materialism.

They believe that you observe the universe, as it is, because that is all their is. It is solid. Everyone sees the same thing So, of course, any experiment can be repeated anywhere with the same results.

And... that the universe is winding down and will soon turn into a lifeless dust spread out infinitely thin (or shrink down to nothing in the big crunch)

This is the gospel preached in the science classes and the science books.

But is it the truth?

The infamous double slit experiment proves otherwise.

A part of a video explaining the double slit experiment.

The double slit experiment has differing outcomes based on if someone is watching it or not.
And worse, these outcomes in the past, can be changed by observing it in the future.

This information really puts a crimp into the "scientific" notion that we live in a physical, solid universe.

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And then, further down the rabbit hole.

People do not experience the same event in the same way. Nor are their memories consistent, with each other or with the event.

In fact, if you could look inside the minds of the people there, you would find many cases where the people cannot conceivably have been at the same event.

As an example of such a case:
A couple was driving down a highway in the south-western (america) desert at night.
There car had some engine problem so they pulled to the side of the road.
There they bathed in light from a source just in front of them.
The husband saw a school bus with children getting out and stretching their legs before getting in the bus and leaving.
The wife saw a space ship with little beings who got out, walked around for a little bit, before getting back in the space ship and leaving.

Now, these people were both there, both experiencing the same thing. So, why are there very recent memories two very different things?

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The truth is that our beliefs form our reality. Our attitudes towards life, and our energetic patterns not only focus us on what we see (half empty / half full) but actually change our reality. There is more than one earth. There are many darker earths, and many lighter earths. And you conscious focus can shift you between them.

So, we have seen that seeing is not believing, as what is being shown may not be what you are seeing.
And that believing is seeing, as the filter you select, selects the world your filter sees.

I know that this will infuriate all the people that say they believe the world is solid and it is just our faulty memory, but there is too much evidence that this view is incorrect.

And, if you ever decide to follow the path of the shaman, you will quickly find the world isn't at all what it appears.

When first the student starts on the path of the Buddha, mountains are mountains.
Soon after he finds that mountains are not mountains
Until finally he gains enlightenment and mountains are once again mountains.

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I went through the mountain thingy and came out okay but the experience did some strange things to my mind and body when mountains were not mountains. I still can’t write about it and that happened over twenty years ago.

Well, there are no words to describe it.
What do you call a mountain that is not a mountain? A mountain.

It is like, afterwards, colors are more vivid. They are the same colors, but not at all.
I mean, the camera still says they are the same.

I guess the best way to describe it is that there is more levels and layers to the mountain.
That also, the mountain is now a living, breathing entity.
And it is connected to every single plant on that mountain, like a baby is connected to a teat.
And all the plants make the mountain grow.

And then, you like, put all that stuff back into the box, and it is now a mountain.
But, who are you?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

For me, it had to do with a hard shift in my conditioning from a Vipassana 10-day silent retreat. I think this was my second one the first year I started meditating.

In Buddhism, the eye only sees it does not react to what it is seeing. Same with all the other senses including the brain. The mind/heart in Buddhism is called, and it is also referred to as mental processes and is continually changing. You can settle the processes down, or the Citta can roam as it wishes and causes lots of trouble if one reacts to it.

I was no longer reacting to sense data through my old conditioning. Everything looked so beautiful, and I was full of bliss for a couple years, it was a magical time, everything was alive and talking to me; eventually, I integrated my meditation experiences and changes, and I settled down, the world returned to normal but I no longer reacted to sense data the way I used too...does that make sense?

Since i have been on this journey, yes, it makes sense.
I have experienced similar things, so i can see how you have used the words.

The problem with explaining these experiences is that there is very little to compare them to. A christian may have, at some point, felt the holy spirit come over them in a powerful sermon. And, so you can say, like that, but more drawn out, longer lasting, permanent.

Then the christian asks you, how do you still function?

I never thought of myself going through a holy experience like a union with God or some deity. However, one odd thing happened, I used to see ghost and hear things, I was afraid a lot, that is all more hauntings.

I usually function as anyone one else would if a Christian asked me that but I don't react to physical sensations in a knee-jerk kind of way...also now that I know how I function I understand how others function, basically we are asleep regarding why we do things and how we experience this world. Because of this, I have a lot more patience with people, most of the time that is, I still have some knee-jerk internal reactions, but I can see/feel where they start in my body, manifest and eventually fade away even when I trigger. Which makes losing my temper or getting my feelings hurt a very odd experience.

Sadly the fantastic bliss and awe I felt have faded away, I don't think any drug or other physical experience that brings pleasure could come close. If one goes to retreat and looks for bliss, they will never find it, so I have never tried to recapture my first few years of retreat work.

how interesting. our beliefs form our realities. and it gets even more confusing with technology such as 7 D halographics which can deceive people. very thought-provoking @builderofcastles thank you!

Man! You keep showing up everywhere, and you're leaving a trail of comments behind! Smart move!

thank you sir, well at the moment I have some time to be on here while you gotta be out there razzlin snakes and building your homestead and stuff, I have no idea how you're on here so much!