Listen to your higher self

in truth •  5 years ago 

It may seem that the world has suddenly gone mad. Sone may think, "2020, you crazy year", but the truth is, it's always been this way. It's just starting to come to surface of people's acknowledgement more now. It is because it is an end of an era. An era that has lasted about 350000 years. An era of manipulation, brainwashing, supression, oppression, and the list goes on. An era that was instigated and controlled by a tiny percentage that held all the power. As most know them as these days, the Cabal. They go by many names. They have been enslaving us with inhumane banking systems, political injustice and taking away our own power, pharmaceuticals that not only lead to more damage done to our bodies but calcify our pineal glands so that we lose touch with our higher self and the multiverse. We are supposed to be interdimensional beings, and we are, but they have temporarily blocked us from knowing this, from feeling this, experiencing this.
Do not fear though, we have MANY on our side, taking the elite Cabal down, and destroying 5D Gamma ray blockers that have been blocking 5th dimensional rays from The Great Central Sun of our universe which allow us to be the 4th and 5th dimensional beings we're meant to be. With knowledge and wisdom so vast, with telepathical abilities, with technology so great we would and soon will be able to travel through the milky way. Our galactic families are helping us to ascend to a reality where only love exists. There will be NO more negativity, no more fear, anger, shame, resentment, guilt, sadness. They are reflecting and sending 5D Gamma rays to us and our Earth. Our collective conscious is raising and you will all be experiencing different parts of it. You will have questions, you will start to notice things you never did before, you will experience physical symptoms too and they are completely normal. We are being upgraded. I personally have been experiencing pressure on my forehead and many frontal headaches. All this is is my third eye chakra opening more and more. It's completely normal. And what I will conclude with is, listen to your intuition now more than ever. It is your higher self and your spirit guides, and they never lie to you. Your higher self ALWAYS brings you to the truth. Sit in silence for a while everyday, for this is when you get the most spiritual downloads, eat as healthy as you can, drink purified water without fluoride, get sunshine, this will all help to heighten your intuition and make it easier for you. Use Duck Duck Go instead of Google to do research aswell so that you're educated on what's going on. Do not listen to mainstream news for they are a controlled narrative owned by the Cabal. I will post some links soon if you guys would like. Even when doing research, you will learn to intuitively know what info is truth and what is not. Trust your intuition. But know this is an exciting time. Sending love to you all

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