The Great End Time Deception

in truth •  7 years ago 

The Great End Time Deception

The Enemy is immensely sophisticated in his handling of the great End Time deception. His forces are in two camps, those who support the works of darkness and those who pretend to oppose them. Some of his most virulent critics are on his payroll.

Many are so well trained and so completely immersed in their counterfeit persona that it is extremely difficult to detect them, even after careful inspection. Others, of course, are not too hard to spot and betray their true affiliation in a number of ways.

Overall, the Enemy is using a broad spectrum of deceivers to construct and a bewildering labyrinth of distractions and half-truths to keep the believer from placing all of his trust in the only book that counts. It doesn't matter how learned or impressive a preacher may be; everything he says
must be tested against God's Word, and, if we are to do this effectively, we must take Him at His Word.

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The truth is always bitter, you are on point my dear, ride on.