"Merry Christmas" is a Hate Crime! Now Give Us More Money!!!

in truth •  7 years ago 

The Southern Poverty Pimp Center is at it again with their "hate tracker," helping to whip up moral outrage over innocuous Twitter hashtags like #MerryChristmas to drum up more business for their hate racket. Don't know about the SPLC and their hate pimping? Well get into the show notes, because, boy, do I have a story for you!

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=25897

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Didn't you get your flu vaccine, James?

I'm pretty sure the SPLC considers anti-vaccers especially loathsome hate-mongers.

the same people say holding bitcoin is racist

I think Im seeing a pattern here, not many christian employees at the SPLC. Maybe you wouldnt get harrassed if you were one of the chosen ones??

Wow nice comedy

lol who are these people that say Merry Christmas is a hate crime? If Merry Christmas is a hate crime, then MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU BUDDY!!

Amazing post weldone.Amazing post weldone.My good friend @corbettreport how are you are doing? it has been a while you check on my post hope you are fine please don't forget to check on my wall today thank you very much.

Living here in Taiwan, I stopped celebrating Christmas after my kids grew up, but I still have many pleasant memories of this holiday.

Other commentators have noticed that the Left is becoming desperate for attention and money. Following Trump's lead, ABC/CNN/CBS, the NYT etc. are openly mocked as fake media.

Maybe linking #Christmas with "hate" is just a ploy to gain attention? After all, it is working with Corbett.

"Hey, everybody! Listen up! We have important news to share. Those knuckle-dragging deplorables still believe in Christmas!"

Can’t wait to see the fake news awards.

Btw, this does not surprise me. Good is bad...another step towards the good old Orwellian future we all know I said on the way.

Merry hate crime to you too, James. May all your hate crimes come true!

only haters hate the hate tags

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Wow. It's very helpful post.whatever you said is great.hope everyone like it.they will known many thing in this post.keep sharing.thank you

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hope your flu wasn't as bad as the flu I've had a few weeks back. Sounds like your doing much better. Thanks for the post, I did not know too much SPeCiaL group. They are special and need our special attention. /s

Rofl what is this even.

This is just ridiculous...

This hate tracking has to be at least worth a ''flake news'' award. ;-)

"Hate Tracker"...this is absird...or is that how "they" want us to react. Well I for one will not fall for this junk. I can think for myself & I know "hate" when I see it (which I don't see very often). I'm sure some folks want to be outraged & use this as anger-porn. Your "Hate is a racket" comment is spot on James @corbettreport.

Anytime anyone quotes the SPLC they immediately lose all credibility in my eyes. They're just a money making scam that preys on the stupid. What's worse is they focus real hate on people who just have different opinions than they do. I'm all for anyone who can expose them as the frauds they are. Great post!

amazing post sir keep it up