Behind the veil lies the absolute truth

in truth •  7 years ago 


The apostle Paul asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" It is such a simple question, yet the answer we give defines our level of faith. The religious may say that it is Satan that stands against us, as the enemy of God, but in truth, there is none but God, so the unveiled answer is that no one stands against us.

The fallen, those who perceive darkness, cannot see the underlying truth, that God sees us as perfect. Their minds are dualistic, seeing both the light and the dark, they see the perfection, that which is the truth, but they also see the imperfection, that which is a lie. The lies that they have accepted veil the truth that is, and that will always be, and because they see wrongly, the absolute truth of our perfect state is beyond their ability to believe.

If the word of God enters into them, their spirits are immediately lifted, and they see the wonders of life in heaven, but then the dark realities that they have accepted begin to challenge what they have experienced, and they quickly fall back to the earth. Heaven, the true reality, becomes a distant memory, and again they are left to work out their salvation, having fallen short of the glory of God once again.

Paul again says that it is by faith that we are saved, and not by actions. In this the absolute truth rises again to the fore. So if there is nothing we can do to save ourselves, then why do people still see darkness? The answer? Because they lack sufficient faith to accept the truth.

How many times must a Christian be told that they have already been saved before they forsake the darkness within their minds? How many times must they be told that Christ overcame the devil before they finally believe him? "I am a sinner!," they cry, and indeed they are, for they continue to see sin where no sin abounds.

The absolute truth is that the devil has no power over us. We no longer need to be lost in the judgement of ourselves. We no longer need to dwell in the realm of duality, seeing both good and evil.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens and know that that is where you live. Forsake the fallen reality of men who see enemies and other dark things. Forgive yourself for judging yourself as evil, and no longer desire to perceive yourself as good, for these things have passed away, and live only in the minds of the dead.

If we are not for Christ, then we are against him, and his death counts for nothing, but if we believe in him, that he gave his life for us, then we need be saved no longer.

Faith - the faith to believe that we have been saved - is all that is required to overcome our fallen minds. We need think no more of devils or sins or judgement, for in the eyes of God we are perfect just as we are.

So if God is for us, who can be against us? Our own beliefs are all that stand in the way of seeing the absolute truth.

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