in truth •  2 years ago  (edited)


A few weeks ago some guy in a halloween costume sat on a highly decorated chair where a shiny hat was placed on his head and a stick put in his hand which lead was then followed by the people of that land cheering in awe as though this was the greatest day of their lives, for me it was a Saturday.


As you can probably tell by the title alone this is about the charade known as the "monarchy" - Mon meaning ONE and archy/arkhon meaning RULER, where a guy sits on a thrown and claims to have the inherent RIGHT to rule over millions of people just because, and still to this day many people believe in this theatre and even lose it if you dont join in with the cheering of the new mascot for the British corp.

Well I say FUCK THE KING, and fuck ANY kind of belief in so called "authority" because in the end its just that, a beLIEf, nothing more, and yes I am deliberately putting the LIE in the word belief in all caps because thats EXACTLY what this is.

No one in all of existence has the moral RIGHT to rule over another person as their master. To do so is to make someone else their subjects who are obligated to obey the master under threat of punishment if they disobey.

That is taking away of another persons RIGHTFUL free will choice to live their own life how they want and thus making them someone else's slave.

All forms of rulers and masters be it a Mon(one)arch(ruler) or an Olig(few)arch(rulers) are inherently immoral and illegitimate.
"Authority" is slavery!


This all ends when we DISOBEY!!

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