If a vaccine insert says death or neurological damage is a possible adverse reaction why are you allowing them to be injected into your child?
If hundreds of studies show gmo's cause cancer, auto immune disorders and decrease health on all levels why are you eating them?
If chemotherapy and radiation are listed as carcenogicenic why are you allow that to be your treatment?
If medications only treat symptoms why aren't you fixing the root cause?
If you aren't getting healthier by seeing a doctor why are you still going?
If alcohol has never fixed a problem why are you still Drinking?
Our society operates around the idea that the therapist will fix it, the pill will fix it, the surgery will fix it, the booze will fix it, the experimental drug will fix it, the boss will fix it, science will fix it, medicine will fix it or the government will fix it. Our society is based on out sourcing our personal responsibility and thinking to third parties, who have failing track records.
Asking a human today to identify evil is like asking a fish to identify water. In most cases, neither the human nor the fish would even understand the question because they're completely surrounded by it and it's all they know.
Most people knows our government is corrupt, deceitful, and evil on a multitude of levels. Our entire society is based on nobody calling out the lies and evil publicly because of fear of retribution. You're being programmed to enjoy your enslavement, programmed to fall passionately in love with the ruling masters...mostly out of fear. When you're in fear, the facts don't matter. What does matter is making sure you stay safe inside your slavery. Part of that programming means that the master can lie and that lie isn't questioned, not because it's true, but because master supplies safety to the people who don't question the lie in front of master.
People aren't believing the government because the government is telling the truth. Everyone knows the government is lying. People are believing the government's lies, not because they're true, but because it increases their feelings of safety and security. Our culture is based on violence and tyranny being directed against anyone questioning the lies, while the people not calling out the lie are celebrated, adorned and showered with positive re-enforcement. Our entire society is based on mind control and schizophrenic fracturing...not logic, morality, fairness, ethics or democracy. Far off the path we have become...
Lemme tell you, what government wants you to do and how majority of people harming themselves.
This is what THEY want.
Drink the fluoride, inject the Neurotoxins, watch the news for information, drink coffee/caffeine, eat the cancer causing foods, treat the cancer with cancer causing "treatments", get the flu shot, bomb the terrorists, avoid the sunlight, take all the medications, fear the "terror", your vote definitely matters...this time, eat the gmo's, pay the taxes, get the mammogram, eat cancer foods to donate to cancer charities, kill the unborn, go into massive debt, buy more stuff, focus on YOU only, drink all the booze, be a good repeater, blame the genetics, go to the doctor, support the wars, get that new phone and throw away the books.
Whatever you do don't ask questions. Go along to get along. Stay asleep and let the government and other fairy tale illusions run your life. Everything's going to work out fine. Nothing to worry about. Move along nothing to see here. Obey. Sedate. Conform. Repeat.
Elements of Soft-kill agenda.
Fluoride - Fluoride is classified as a neurotoxin with no benefits to teeth. The marketing for fluoride as a cavity treatment began with calcium fluoride, not sodium fluoride, which is what is currently used in dental treatments and added to our water. There wasn't extensive study on calcium fluoride for this entire marketing campaign to begin. They simply observed healthy teeth in communities where calcium fluoride was also found, and then attributed that observation to all fluoride. The fluoride that we know and use today is a byproduct of the aluminum industry, is used as a pesticide because of its toxicity, actually causes fluorosis, and damages IQ particularly in young children. Fluoride is classified in the same category as lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene.
Nowadays THEY started putting pharmaceutical grade fluoride in our water with other hydrofluosilicic acid or hexafluorosilicic acid which are often contaminated with heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, cadmium and lead.
The [Lancet](http://www.thelancet.com/journals/laneur/article/PIIS1474-4422(13), the world's oldest and most prestigious medical journal, has officially classified fluoride as a neurotoxin, and it is banned in 90% of Europe, as well as many other countries that have already established the damaging effects of fluoride on mind and body:
Proof? Go here
TV - Your Television (Tell-LIE-vision!) is a brainwashing tool, used to MANIPULATE you.
Proof? Go here
Coffee - I know many of you are die-hard fans/addicts of coffee. But this can't stop me from speaking the truth about coffee.
The caffeine present in coffee is messing with your adenosine receptors which is not something to be taken lightly. Coffee is largest contributor to high blood pressure, joint pain, an enlarged prostate. Coffee increase blood cholesterol levels. It also contributes heavily to insomnia.
Proof? Go here
GMO FOOD - In the foods microbiology subsides controlling the physiology and anatomy. Specific elements on the periodic table determine the change in the electro-magnetic and gravitational fields in the body. The food or elements like glueton soy, aluminium ect. throw off the electro-magnetic & gravitation fields in the body. See, an atom is 99.99999 % empty...Wave forms are frequency, frequency is radiation, radiation is electromagnetism broken down in magnetic and electric with two forces a strong force being electrico-magnetism & a weak force gravitational field. We have an aura electromagnetic field, the rose emitting from the heart. Gwen towers, HAARP, radios, televison & "electro-smog" poke holes in your aura by frequency. Than electromagmetic and gravitational elements stay in the body through processed food "GMOs". Generate a strong force of electro-magnetic or weak force gravitational fields due to elements in the cellular level generating polarity of the function reversing the field causing disease or death of cellular level reproduction in the mitosis phase with the daughter cells degenerating cell rejuvination. Watching what you eat and drink like smart water or fiji and organics, Helps you keep healthy by not disrupting these electro-magnetic or gravitational fields on a cellular level. Eating the twelves cell salts with ch3 gans "AMINO ACIDs" is a great start and you will extend your telomeres in the DNA by generating healthy electromagnetic fields/aura.
Another aspect in disguise of sugar (Processed Sugar) - Carbohydrates are sugar and the ONE macronutrient you could remove from your life and still live. Again, your body cannot survive without protein or fats but it CAN survive without carbs (sugar). So why does the government recommend on their food pyramid that you eat a diet that's 60% carbohydrate? If you are told you need carbs (which you don't) you will eat them and for most people that means eating processed sugary foods. Think the government is looking out for your health?
If sugar is proven to grow cancer, why do hospitals feed sugary foods to their cancer patients? Why do cancer charities often use sugary foods inside fund raising events?
There are around 800,000+ food items all over the world...80% have added sugar. Sugar is like vaccines are marketed towards children first...because evil always attacks the children first.
See the pattern yet?
My Suggestion - Modified citrus pectin to detox heavy metals at a cellular level. Liquid chlorophyll for cell regeneration. Red algae for nerve sheathing and telomeres and also the color red will slow down the spreading of cancer cells. Grapefruit seed extract for internal fungal infection which often is misdiagnosed for cancer or psychological disorders because western medicine doesn't investigate fungal pathogens at a rate conducive to the rise. Gluten is in my opinion, the worst out of all the foods. It's not food. It takes a tremendous amount of enzymes to break down the fibers in gluten. Our bodies are supposed to use the enzymes in fresh fruits and vegetables to digest food. Because food is void enzymes these days, we use our bodies natural supply to digest food. Our natural supply of enzymes is needed by our immune system. Enzymes and amino acids make proteins that carry information to cells for healing and repair. We only have a certain amount of enzymes and the body doesn't replenish them. By using them on digestion is a waste and one of the reasons disease has risen ten fold. Not to mention the nitrogen in the soil combined with unethical monopolized farming leaves little in the way of nutrients. The supplements I mentioned above are excellent phytonutrients that fill the gap. Spirulina (algae) will also help absorb radiation as we go into the photon belt.
The Cancer causing treatment - Government claims to want to cure cancer yet approves more and more chemicals that are proven to cause cancer. Even radiation and chemotherapy are listed as carcinogens, meaning they cause cancer. It's like fighting a fire with gasoline and the results speak for themselves.
Chemotherapy is proven scientifically to cause cancer and pathologists have come forward stating that the chemotherapy is the cause of death, yet the death must be listed as being caused by the cancer. Why would the cancer industry want to hide that the chemotherapy and radiation are killing the cancer patients? Who benefits? The answer is obvious...
Solution - There are many ways to heal cancer and the most effective out of them is "The Gerson Therapy". And it can heal 4th stage cancer too!
For more information, Go here
Mammogram - Doctor blasts a women's breast with cancer causing radiation and what do they get in return? They get $100 for every mammogram! The deathcare system functions on profiting from sickness, dysfunction, and the misinformed who fall for these tricks.
Mammograms are proven to increase/cause breast cancer risk and are proven to provide large numbers of false positives, which means many women are herded toward toxic and mutilating cancer treatment options, when they don't even have breast cancer to begin with. Medical doctor. Dr. John McDougall discusses some aspects of this issue.
Medical doctor, Dr. Ben Johnson, explains that mammograms have been proven long ago, in the medical literature, to cause breast cancer. How could radiation not increase cancer growth and spread? This is not an accident or chance happening. This is a weaponization of the science and the use of manipulative conditioning to have the uninformed masses volunteer for a new covert medical holocaust. The bodies pile skyward as people line up for what can only make them more ill. Insanity sold as sanity.
They say, Radiation causes cancer, so stay out of the sun, but just place your breasts between these two radioactive plates. Make sense? Of course Not!
Of course mammograms are PROVEN to cause the growth and spread of breast cancer. How could they not? Mammograms and pink washing. Just another way to magnetically attract the uninformed public toward their worst lives inside the deathcare system.
The best part for them is mammograms yield false positive results like no other, so many women end up on toxic pharmaceuticals or having unneeded surgeries when there is nothing wrong with them. Of course in the long run mammograms cause cancer so their evil system will get you in the end one way or another if you keeping going there.
Proof? Go here
Flu shots - The annual psychological test to see who's able to think for themselves
If there's no proof the flu vaccine decreases the flu, why are people taking it? It states directly on the insert, "there have been no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination." So It's not proven to work but you're crazy if you don't get the shot, even though it can kill and cripple you. No proof it works yet can kill and cripple. You would think that would be enough for people not to take it but people are still taking it because the reason they take vaccines is based on fear. People are killing themselves because they're too afraid to say no.
Flu shots are an annual ritual. They are a pledge of allegiance to the slave masters. They are pledging that they promise to continue not thinking by ignoring all the evidence that the shot does not work and has damaging effects. They are also pledging they will continue to conform and offer blind obedience to be part of the herd. Lastly they promise they will return next year to once again partake in the ritual where they offer themselves as a sacrifice and tribute to the ruling system. May the odds be ever in your favor...
Flu Shot Contains 150 Times Hazardous Waste Limit for Mercury
As you can see in these pictures. there is 25mcg of mercury in each dose of this multi-dose vial of flu vaccine. That is 25,000 ppb (parts per billion). The unsafe level of mercury in drinking water is 2 ppb and the hazardous waste definition for mercury starts at 200 ppb. It gets better.
This picture is of a 5ml multi-dose vial and it says each 0.5 ml dose contains 25mcg of mercury so that means the entire vial contains 250 mcg of mercury or 250,000 ppb. Mercury sinks to the bottom of the vial and rarely separates so theoretically someone could get the full 250,000 ppb of mercury in one dose.
Remember that drinking water is judged undrinkable, because it could kill you, at 2 ppb. Have you even pondered to ask yourself why the second most toxic substance on the entire planet is inside a needle that you inject under your skin, in the first place?
Poison yourself or else!
Poison yourself or lose your job. They mandate medical workers to get flu shots because they need you to poison yourself with no resistance so they know you'll poison the patients with no resistance.
They can't have employees knowing poison is bad because all they sell is poison. Not questioning your orders is the #1 job requirement when working at a hospital. (hospital = legal extermination camp)
There's a reason we have a deathcare and not a healthcare system and it's because of issues like this.
Hospitals tell everyone that poison is good and health is bad because they get paid when you're sick not when you're healthy.
Still think we are living in freedom?
There are certainly over 60,000 adverse reactions reported on just this one shot. They say less than 10% of all adverse reactions are even reported. That means the gardasil vaccine is responsible for around 600,000 adverse reactions.
Gardasil - Your local fHARMacy has added a new poison they are offering. A listed side effect of the Gardasil (hpv) vaccine is death. How many other vaccines list "death" as a side effect? You may want to start your research. When is the last time something that could kill your teenage daughter, was also healthy for her? Do you know what's going on? Are you sure?
The HPV (Gardasil) Cervical Cancer Vaccine is Fraudulent on Every Level. Lets connect some dots....
Lets start with the Health Minister in Ireland telling the public to vaccinate their sons and daughters with the HPV Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine - here
Dr. Russell Blaylock - (medical doctor and board certified neurosurgeon) explains the complete scientific fraud of the HPV Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine - here
Canadian University Professor - condemns the HPV Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine and advises it be pulled from the market immediately because of scientific fraud and the extreme dangers to anyone who may be injected with it - here
Denmark Documentary - exposing the deaths and permanent injuries that the Gardasil HPV cervical cancer vaccine is doing to young women there.
Ireland Court Proceedings - as parents of HPV Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine victims sue the government in order to withdraw the approval of the vaccine to be distributed in that country - here
Teen boy dies immediately after HPV cervical cancer vaccine - here
Video of teen girl struck down by Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine poison - here
Japanese medical experts issue warning against HPV cervical cancer vaccine - here
Japanese women sue Japanese government over permanent damage from HPV cervical cancer vaccine - here
Group of parents in Ireland form the support group REGRET after being lied to by the Irish government about the HPV Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine - here
The most prestigious medical review board in the world is also questioning the HPV cervical cancer vaccine, which guarantees the science behind this vaccine is fraudulent on all levels - here
Lead developer of the HPV vaccine testifies that it's not safe nor effective. NOT SAFE OR EFFECTIVE. here
American College of Pediatrics warns of ovarian failure linked to the HPV (Gardasil) cervical cancer vaccine. Side effect or working exactly as designed? You already know the answer. Here
Each vaccine is exactly like this, regardless of name. A well organized and updated holocaust model for the 21st century. A sleight of mind that also sees the mind control victim demand that everyone around them inject the poison as well. If you don't think evil has evolved, to disguise itself better than in holocausts past, you're not paying close enough attention. If you're having a passionate love affair with medicine, science, media and government...you've been had. The only question is...will you awaken in time to save yourself and your children?
Many of these ignorant people be like...
Why think when taking orders is easier. Moving with the crowd feels good, safe and secure. Why do what's right, when you can do what's easy. Just going along to get along. What could possibly go wrong?
I have personally read over 100+ studies from introduction to conclusion that describe how vaccines are dangerous, harmful, and deadly. Yet we are told these studies dont exist...there are hundreds!!! These studies conclude vaccines cause neurological damage which leads to the diagnosis of autism later on. They conclude vaccines cause autoimmune disease and decrease health on a number of levels.
On top of that we have more stories than we can count first hand from parents who watched their child regress almost instantly after vaccination....Observation is part of science. The scientific method requires observations! I've heard so many stories and they are all tragically similar. Vaccines changed their child. Anyone who's a parent knows when something has happened to their child. To dismiss these parents or call them liars is absolutely disgusting. It's all there for anyone to see. The only studies that don't exist are the ones proving vaccines are safe or create healthier children. Why aren't those studies done? You know why...the answer is obvious.
Stop lying to yourself. Stop dumbing yourself. This is real and It's happening. Stop sedating and distracting yourself to make yourself more comfortable with reality. Don't learn this lesson the hard way. I promise if you do a little research you'll be astounded at what you find. Don't let others think for you and make decisions for your child. Step away from the herd. Stop repeating and start thinking.
The Hints are Everywhere
In the movie I AM LEGEND you have 99% of the world's population essentially wiped out and turned into zombies from the "KV" virus. A mutated form of measles that scientists created in a lab to treat cancer that mutated into the virus responsible for destroying everyone.
In the movie the main character tells another survivor, "God didn't do this....we did." While some see the movie as work of imagination and science fiction we have a similar event occurring today. Millions of children are damaged every year from vaccines....because somewhere along the line we decided our natural immune system was not enough. Those in powers (Elites) tricked masses into thinking they were born faulty and needed science to fix these mistakes.
People became tricked into thinking injecting viruses, toxic chemicals, foreign dna (aborted fetal tissue), and known Neurotoxins into the body of a child equates to "health" and "immunity."
This isn't a movie...this is happening. WE did this. Stop allowing it to continue. It's not too late...reject the poison and let us take back our health.
Hint - For those of you into gematria and numerology, Notice that the virus from the movie called "kv" = 33 in gematria. K = 11 V =22 11+22 = 33
Do you want more evidence? Go through this list of videos and find out yourself the truth is all around you.
Dr. Nancy Banks - here
This is who they dont want you to see! Dr. Russell Blaylock - here
Dr. Shiv Chopra - here
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - here
Dr. Suzanne Humphries - here
Dr. Larry Palevsky - here
Dr. Toni Bark - here
Dr. Andrew Wakefield - here
Dr. Meryl Nass - here
Dr. Raymond Obomsawin - here
Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot - here
Dr. Robert Rowen - here
Dr. David Ayoub - here
Dr. Boyd Haley PhD - here
Dr. Rashid Buttar - here
Dr. Roby Mitchell - here
Dr. Ken Stoller - here
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein - here
Dr. Frank Engley, PhD - here
Dr. David Davis - here
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych - here
Dr. Harold E Buttram - here
Dr. Kelly Brogan - here
Dr. RC Tent - here
Dr. Rebecca Carley - here
Dr. Andrew Moulden - here
Dr. Jack Wolfson - here
Dr. Michael Elice - here
Dr. Terry Wahls - here
Dr. Stephanie Seneff - here
Dr. Paul Thomas - here
Many doctors talking at once - here
Dr. Richard Moskowitz - here
Dr. Jane Orient - here
Dr. Richard Deth - here
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic - here
Dr Chris Shaw - here
Dr. Susan McCreadie - here
Dr. Mary Ann Block - here
Dr. David Brownstein - here
Dr. Jayne Donegan - here
Dr. Troy Ross - here
Dr. Philip Incao - here
Dr. Joseph Mercola - here
Dr. Jeff Bradstreet - here
Dr. Robert Mendelson - here
Dr. Garth Nicolson - here
Dr. Marc Girard - here
Dr. Charles Richet - here
Dr. Zac Bush - here
Dr. Lawrence Wilson - here
Dr. James Howenstine - here
Dr Burton A. Waisbren, Sr., M.D. - here
Dr. Sam Eggertsen - here
Dr. Bonnie Dunbar - here
Dr. Judy Mikovits - here
Dr. John Bergan - here
Dr. Rima E. Laibow - here
Dr. Lee Hieb - here
Dr. Daniel Kalb - here
Dr. Rachel Ross - here
Dr. Kathryn H Hale - here
Dr. Gibson - here
Dr. Anthony Phan - here
Dr. Stephanie Seneff - here
Many more doctors testifying that vaccines aren't safe or effective, in these documentaries....
Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic - here
The Greater Good - here
Shots In The Dark - here
Vaccination The Hidden Truth - here
Vaccine Nation - here
Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines - here
Lethal Injection - here
Bought - here
Deadly Immunity - here
Autism - Made in the USA - here
Beyond Treason - here
Trace Amounts - here
Why We Don't Vaccinate - here
Autism Yesterday - here
Denmark Documentary on HPV Vaccine - here
Vaxxed - here
Man Made Epidemic - here
50 Cents A Dose - here
Direct Orders - here
Dtap - Vaccine Roulette here
Truthstream News: About All Those Vaccines - here
Hear The Silence - here
Cervical Cancer Vaccine - Is It Safe? - here
Vaccines Revealed - here
The Truth About Vaccines - here
Vaccine Syndrome - here
Injecting Aluminum - here
Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror - here
NOTE: While working on the list, I find out that Dr. Blaylock's channel has been shut down by the YouTube which was on #2, I found his same video on another YouTube channel. I put the link here and what happened after sometime? It disappeared from my preview not even link was appearing. It seems like there is AI/BOT blocking all these links which threaten THEM and they are not letting anyone to spread awareness through them. So, I had to change the links by shorting those links that THEY are putting down. That's the video that they are censoring. Please watch it before it too get deleted by THEM.
On a closing note, I'd like to request you all to become a thinker and learn what is going on so you can reject the poison. There's nothing heroic about being a repeater and willingly sacrificing yourself like the herd of other conforming repeaters.
Kindly resteem this post and push it towards the trending section, so that more people becomes aware of this truth. I'd like to see, if this post holds the same value as those trending topics like cryto-market, recipes, travelling posts or not. ☺
Now it's up to you, to simply ignore the truth...or do your own research and spread this truth for more awareness.
Love, light and blessings to everyone! 💚 🌟 💫
@invinciblelight 💫
Sources: https://www.facebook.com/OregoniansForVaccineTruthAndHealthcareChoice/posts/1422929341161456
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I removed my vote.
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What a disappointment. I removed my vote, as little as it is, as well.
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I particularly love that part.
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Thank you so much, @teamsteem! ☺💚 I am very glad you love it! 💫
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What a massive article you have written here! Thank you so much for raising awareness about these deadly issues. I am sharing this in my networks.
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Thank you very much, @lyndsaybowes!!! ☺💚
You're welcome and thank you for helping me in spreading awareness about these important issues.
Infinite love, light and blessings! 💚🌟💫
Keep smiling and keep shining! ☺ 🌟
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Thank you for your hard work, and care for humanity.
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You're welcome!!! ☺💚
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I can't believe you wrote all this on your phone?! Amazing effort my friend. Thank you for taking on this important subject. Hope a few more people see this now I have resteemed it.
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Yup, I wrote all this on my phone only. ☺
Thank you very much my friend! You're welcome, It's my pleasure to spread words about this important subject. I hope that too! Thank you so much for your kindness!
May the divinity bless upon you and your family! 💫
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Thanks @invinciblelight, for providing so much great information in this post. The truth about vaccines needs to get out there. So many people do not realise the dangers and are not aware of all the evidence. People still believe that vaccines are eradicating diseases that were already declining prior to the onslaught of injections that are being forced on our children.
Also great information on GMOs and fluoridation.
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You're welcome, @spectrumecons! ☺
Yep, we have to spread awareness to help them realsie that what they were told by their beloved government, doctors and autohorities are pure lies. People should come out of their fear and comfort-zone of being in the security. And they should join their hands together and become united to go against the crime.
If people refuse to buy what they are selling - their ideas, their wars, their inevitability, their version of history, their genetically modified artificial system...then system will collpase.
United we stand, devided we fall.
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Really great article. Loads of info & more supporting links than I've ever seen in a post on Steemit. Loved the intro, had me hooked ready for the more in depth stuff later on. Great work. Upvoted/resteemed/followed.
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Thank you very much, @jimbobbill! ☺
I appreciate your kindness and your effort to help me spread this important information! ☺💚
May the divinity bless upon you! 💫
Namaste! 🙏
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The whole article is fantastic and i do agree, but it is soooo long !! better could broke it up in more visions. My idea ....
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Thank you very much, @janine-ariane! ☺💚
My intention was to only write about vaccines but don't know how this burning desire/urge came up and made me write out of my way, Lol. I actually wanted to write more on other topics but thank God I just have this phone which is baraly able to support that much huge data at once and made me pause, otherwise I would have gone even further than this with pc or lappy. 😂
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i know how it goes :-)
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WOW! This post is chock full of nutrients for the mind!
Resteemed and upvoted, only wish my vote was worth more.
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Thank you so much, @aboutyourbiz! ☺💚
I really appreciate your kindness and your effort to spread this important truth! ☺
May the divinity bless upon you and your family! 💫
Keep smiling and keep shining!!! ☺🌟
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Waao thanks for write this wonderful and well detailed post,keep it up :)
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Thank you very much, bro! ☺
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Great insightful post dear. Loved reading. Totally agree with you. Vaccines are indeed a soft kill and your post is a must read for all Steemitians. Upvoted, resteemed and following u as always.
Regards Nainaz
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Thank you very much, @nainaztengra! ☺💚
I appriciate your kindness to help me spread the truth and awareness about this important subject.
Much love, light and blessings! 💫🌟✨
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Congratulation ! You have quality articles and you are returning high value. I hope my article is like yours. 😘
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Thank you for your hard work and detail to this post. Incredible information you have provided for all of us to think about. Unfortunately, it is true. Thank you for reminding us of the truth. 🐓🐓
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That is quite the list of resources to go over for references @invinciblelight. Thanks for introducing me to some content that I likely never seen before.
I was suprised though that you didn't include a link to one of Dr.Stephanie Seneff's talks. She does a lot of research on Glyphosate.
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Thank you, @healthvasics and you're welcome! ☺
Surprisingly, I didn't come across her reasearch work and that's why I didn't included her link.
Although, I have put everything from my own research. I wanted to cover more topics but I sufficed because of my post lenght. I will cover them in my next post.
Would you please resteem this post to help me spread awareness of this important subject?
Thank you! ☺ 💫
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You can edit the post until the 7 day mark. Dr. Seneff also talks a bit about the role of vaccines in autism.
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Sure, will do. ☺👍 Thanks! 💫
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Great Post and valuable information! Worth following!
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