YouTube video: the biggest obstacle the truth and freedom movements face

in truth •  7 years ago  (edited)

Note: I did find out that watching embedded YouTube videos gets Google's ad trackers to obtain your data for advirters

Basically we still have alot of work to do, it does seem like people are waking up when you see a video in the federal reserve getting 1.8 million views and when you see the mainstream media being distrusted, but that is just the beginning.

The first line of defense that the global elites use is distraction, they get us to focus on our jobs as well as make a actual story happen that is distracting. The Hawaiian missle alarm is a good example. I wouldn't be suprised at all if it came out that the alarm was pressed on purpose to distract people from something.

In the information age we have so many stories being focused on, even Ines that happened decades ago.

Sports, tv shows, movies, video games,YouTube, and even blogging sites like these can distract people from the truth.

In case you think I'm a tinfoilhatters please watch this " 10 conspiracy theories that turned out true" by Matthew Santoro.

There is actually 2 of those videos

The second tactic that is used to cover up the global elites and their activities is how they mock truthers by controlled opposition or by mocking

This video by James Corbett gets into how the term conspiracy theorist originated.

Distractions and controlled opposition will be big roadblocks to get through, but I feel there is some hope.

I know I am not offering any solutions but I honestly can't see a solution right now. we have to recognize that the problem exists first. I feel like the basic thing that can be done to counter the distractions is to make distractions topic in the truth movement.

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