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In the past I used to judge compulsive liars as completely unacceptable. I hated them. There were a lot of behaviors that made me hate and completely disown people. But as I become more conscious, and I do more of my own healing, I've grown a great compassion for other people. I learned how deeply damaged we all are because I saw how deeply damaged I've been. This totally proves my point. Takes a lot of courage to share our innermost shit. It's a great sign of massive healing. Happy healing, brother!

It's amazing how easy it is to judge others before we start really digging into ourselves and our "issues", haha. I think everyone on the path has experienced that to different degrees, and probably around different behaviors.

I have found that the sharing of these things ends up being some of the most important content I make as well (based on the responses it gets of actually impacting people), and it is so cathartic and powerful for me too. If writing something or saying it out loud helps anchor it in, putting those words out for everyone to see is tenfold.

Thank you!

It's a time of mass healing!

It takes a lot of courage and strength to come out about your weaknesses and past behaviors, so I applaud you on taking the first steps in your journey towards self -healing. We all make mistakes, but you have the power to change and make wiser decisions based on your experiences - it is all up to you! It's good to see someone else's human side for a change, and I appreciate that in you - many people cover their vulnerabilities by using false pride and egotism for fear of rejection, I suppose. However, you'll win over more people and gain more from being honest and being yourself -shortcomings and all. Best of luck to you in your endeavors.

Thank for sharing some deep personal stuff. It's very helpful and cathartic to admit to BS. I think we've all done.

One thing I noticed is that when you take action, you mind will tend to focus on achievements or solutions. And when a mind is in the process of being, (whatever it is you are into at the time), it will be less likely to concoct BS.

That's so true. For a lot of my early life, the BS was simply a defense mechanism, and I've been releasing that and allowing the whole thing to fade for some time, but the old program still comes up around sexual shame, where the root of it always was anyway.

Pretty honest video that you made here today. I just went through a similar thing and decided to post some kind of confession on DTube today. I feel relieved now and ready to move on. Can be good to open up like that. :)

Thanks brother! It's been one of the most powerful parts of Steemit for me, to be able to share the things I'm processing. Just the act of sharing it, the knowing that it's out into the universe in such a powerful way, and the knowing that so many people can now hold me accountable for it :-)

Sometimes we really need something
to get rid of saturation.
Awesome to healing journey :)

one first lie needs a second lie to cover the first kebuhongan,

You have shared some insights & healing and it is very useful for me. thanks a lot. You have delivered and described clearly and pleasantly on the hearing.

Thanks for sharing so honestly Kenny:

My whole sharing in triad was, obviously, around the sexual shame, dishonesty, and lack of self-love that I've been working with for the last two months so heavily.

I can identify with this...

If anyone is a liar.. it is Youtube. Which is why I have decided to move all my content to Dtube. Hopefully I can find folks who enjoy what I do.