The truth about marijuana

in truth •  7 years ago 

Marijuana is the most dangerous drug folks. It killed no one in his entire history. If that is the case why everyone says it is dangerous? Isn't it strange huh? What I would like to discuss are the ups and downs of cannabis. More of the ups because they are way more. Plus I might share my experience with it.

I have said it before that I stopped cannabis. Not completely stopped it but I don't smoke as much as I used to. Cannabis is not something you should be afraid of. It cannot kill you. It may have negative effects on you depending on your thoughts. You control the experience with marijuana. I learned that the hard way. First I was letting cannabis control me then I started controlling it and benefiting from it.

What are the benefits of it you might ask? Well, first of all, it cures a lot of diseases and disorders. Like cancer, anxiety, depression, anorexia, Parkinson and way more other. For cancer, it can cure it completely with cannabis oil. It is proven to cure cancer by killing only the cancer cells rather than killing everything like with chemotherapy. With anxiety it is different. It may help you, but it may make things worse. It depends on your mindset and your thoughts. Your thoughts on cannabis are way more clear. I can say that I feel my thoughts. In order for you to benefit from it, you need to learn to control your thoughts. With anorexia will work all of the time. You just want to eat when you are high. You want to eat everything that you see. It will definitely help people with anorexia. I guarantee it.

I do encourage the use of cannabis for healing.

Marijuana and hemp. They are the same just hemp cannot make you high and cannot be smoked. Basically, hemp is without THC (the thing that makes you high). Hemp grows way faster than a normal tree and both can be used for paper. So it is better for us to use hemp rather than cut down trees.
Something I found interesting:

The potential of hemp for paper production is enormous. According to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, one acre of hemp can produce 4 times more paper than one acre of trees! All types of paper products can be produced from hemp: newsprint, computer paper, stationary, cardboard, envelopes, toilet paper, even tampons.

That is not it. Hemp can be used for a lot more. Like rope, canvas, textiles, fuel and so on. Amazing!

Let's get back to ganja. Another huge benefit of it is that you get to see the world differently. It may sound strange, but ganja can open peoples eyes to the real world. It can deprogramme the population. No wonders why is banned in most countries. It helped me see the truth or as someone can call it behind the veil. I remember an experience that I had with marijuana. It was like this: "I just came home from smoking a blunt and I noticed that the TV was on. There was a series on the TV so stupid and so blatantly obvious that its role was to dumb you down. I saw the show like a code. I knew what they tried to say with all of the scenes. I started opening my eyes." I can't fully describe it, but basically helped me become awake. I can't stand to watch meaningless shows when I am high. If I do so I will start thinking of something and stop seeing or hearing the show. That is why I encourage people to try and use marijuana for something beneficial. Not to just abuse it.

We still see people who are asleep and they smoke marijuana and that has to do with the use. If we take for an example a fork. A fork can help me eat with it or help me do harm to somebody. Same with cannabis. I can use it to wake up and see what is going on or I can abuse it and just get the eating sleeping benefit from it. It can definitely help someone wake up and start questioning what they see if they want to.

Another positive aspect to it is that it makes you more creative. Getting high makes you see the world differently from another angle. It encourages different thinking and different behaviour. It can also help you discover yourself. Then it sticks with you, That is why marijuana is a mind-altering drug. It changes your mind. It makes it more creative, unique and complex.

Why weren't soldiers given ganja when they needed it medically? Because if people were to give them marijuana, the soldiers will realise that the war is meaningless and they will want peace and not war. That is the next positive aspect of marijuana. Is anti-violence. It brings peace and harmony from within and out.

I can stay here and talk about the positive aspects of cannabis all day so lets instead talk about the negative.

It may make you lazy. It depends on yourself. But when you smoke you will realise that what you do is meaningless and you will stop doing it. You will become lazy. This can be overcome. It has to do with cannabis controlling you rather than the opposite.

People think cannabis makes people dumb. But is just the laziness that makes them dumb.

For the young mind, cannabis can be bad. It can open them to other drugs. Mostly it happens to undeveloped minds who are willing to try other drugs because they tried cannabis. Because of that, I encourage people to try cannabis when they are at least 18. You need self-control so in order to not "level up".

When you are older there is no way for you to get on fast drugs with cannabis. It just doesn't make sense. Cannabis is a relaxation drug, not a party or fast drug. I believe that alcohol can lead to fast drugs rather than cannabis. An alcohol is way worse than ganja.

I can't simply find anything other that is negative except those two above. In my opinion, cannabis should be legalized all around the world and made to have age restrictions. It is a plant and it should not be banned. It is like saying that God made a mistake with weed. But we all know why is illegal. It is a dangerous drug for the elite. Because if we all smoked we have a higher chance to break the programming. And be finally free.

Use marijuana medically. Or just with some purpose. Do not abuse it.

As always thanks for reading. Have a wonderful life. I personally smoke once a month or something like that. Just to relax.
God Bless

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I have never tried cannabis in my life. For good or bad I never needed it's "high" properties, and as a cure too. The use of all it's good properties would be vital for the environment for the near future.

And one more thing. Please make a new topic and describe more in depth the conciousnes-expanding features of the cannabis.

Will describe it for you in one of the future posts. Thanks for supporting what I do trought the month or two that I have been here. Have a wonderful day. God Bless

You're welcome! Keep up with the quality content.

i've seen with my eyes what marijuana does to a human. It is one of the worst feeling ever. A pity he didnt make it and had to die. So please make sure whatever narcotics you are taking in should be used very very wisely for it kills.